
Renewable and zero direct emissions heating systems in affordable housing projects (phase 2): evaluation

An evaluation of the selection, installation and performance of zero direct emissions heating (ZDEH) systems installed in new affordable homes in Scotland.

2. Methodology

2.1. Overview

The scope of our research and this report consists of three Work Packages (WPs), as summarised in the overview diagram in Figure 1, which was devised by the Scottish Government. The detailed methodology for the three work packages is detailed in Section 2.2 and the rest of this report summarises our findings.

Figure 1: Overview of project scope
described in body of report

2.2. Detailed methodology

2.2.1. Work Package 1: ZDEH data and insight from affordable housing providers

  • Develop a framework to structure and capture quantitative data from housing providers. Create a standardised template that can be distributed to housing providers for them to be able to populate with required ZDEH data.
  • Collect, where available, numerical data relating to actual running costs, heat demands, capital costs, and performance from affordable housing projects with zero direct emissions heating systems.
  • Collate, analyse and report on quantitative data from housing providers outlining key findings and trends.
  • Design a discussion guide to ascertain qualitative insight from housing providers including rationale for technology choice, route to implementation, challenges faced, perceived performance and tenant experience of ZDEH.
  • Interview affordable housing project teams to collect qualitative insights on occupant satisfaction and the in-situ performance of zero direct emissions heating systems.
  • Collate, analyse and report on qualitative insight from housing providers outlining key findings and trends.

2.2.2. Work Package 2: Knowledge sharing hub

  • Discuss and define the scope, ownership and ambitions of the 'best practice knowledge sharing hub' with the Scottish Government.
  • Carry out secondary research to identify the long list of existing resources, organisations, associations, best practice guidance and 'knowledge hubs' that are already available to the Scottish housing sector.
  • Conduct stakeholder interviews to investigate what existing resources are used to acquire and share knowledge relating to heat in new build homes, and to understand the benefits, opportunities and challenges associated with developing a hub.
  • Collate the findings from the primary and secondary research and analyse the gaps in existing resources. Assess the challenges and barriers for housing providers to engage in a hub and the risks associated with developing a hub.
  • Develop practical recommendations for a knowledge hub, its required purpose and knowledge/information needed. Outline whether this should be developed from an existing resource or create a new hub.
  • Create a best practice guide for contributions to the hub, to encourage quality and consistency.

2.2.3. Work Package 3: Case studies

  • Review existing case studies of heat in new build housing to help develop a case study template to cover the scope of the required case studies.
  • Identify 5 suitable projects and develop case studies on each of these to form the initial contribution to the hub.
  • Conduct stakeholder interviews to gather information to populate the case studies and to understand the appetite for and desired content of the case studies.



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