
Evaluation of Scottish National Rural Network (SNRN) and Scotland Rural Development Programme (SRDP) Communication Plan

This report evaluates the implementation of the SRDP Communication Plan and the operational effectiveness of the Scottish National Rural Network (SNRN) in order to provide recommendations for the 2014 - 2020 SRDP.


1. Such a communications plan to ensure coherent provision of information and publicity on rural development activities benefitting from EAFRD support and defining is a requirement under indent 41 of the RDR implementing regulation (Reg EC 1974/2006). The plan should define the obligations of managing authorities and beneficiaries. Article 76 of Reg EC 1698/2005 specifies that this communications plan is the sole responsibility of the managing authority (Scottish Government) and defines its coverage as publicity and information for potential beneficiaries and the general public specifically including the Community contribution.

2. From the SNRN website accessed 30th June 2013.

3. The EAFRD delivers support under Pillar 2 of the CAP through Rural Development Programmes of which the SRDP is one.


Email: Angela Morgan

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