Small Business Bonus Scheme: evaluation
This report presents the results of an evaluation of the Small Business Bonus Scheme (SBBS), and provides recommendations in relation to the SBBS and non-domestic rates relief more broadly.
Appendix A: Additional survey information
A.1 Covering letter
Dear Occupier,
Small Business Bonus Scheme Survey
The Fraser of Allander Institute has been tasked by the Scottish Government to evaluate the effectiveness of the Small Business Bonus Scheme (SBBS). As part of this research we are asking a sample of businesses in Scotland to complete a short survey, and your business has been selected to be part of this sample (even though you might not receive SBBS).
It is really important that we get responses from a representative sample of businesses: while we know your time is valuable, we would really appreciate if you would complete the survey, which should only take 10-15 minutes.
Your unique identifier:
QR code
To complete the survey, please go to Alternatively, you can scan the QR code below. Please take care to enter the reference number printed in large red font below in the online survey.
We would prefer that you complete the survey online, but if you want to complete the survey on paper, please find it enclosed with this.
You are being contacted using details provided in the publically available Valuation Roll. This contains an entry for all non-domestic properties except those specifically excluded by law and is maintained by Scottish Assessors. It can be accessed at
This survey has been designed and will be analysed by the Fraser of Allander Institute (FAI) at the University of Strathclyde. The analysis of the survey's responses will help inform the conclusions of the SBBS evaluation. Any information you provide will be treated in strict confidence and any analysis and storage of data will be compliant with the General Data Protection Regulation. Details on non-domestic rates can be found at, and details of this research project along with frequently asked questions can be found at
Your response is appreciated by 31st March 2020. If you have any queries, please contact the FAI on 0141 548 3958 between the hours of 9am and 5pm, or by e-mail at
May we thank you in advance for your time in completing the survey and helping us to undertake the important task of evaluating the SBBS. We really appreciate your support with this project.
Best wishes,
Professor Graeme Roy, Director, Fraser of Allander Institute
Gary Gillespie, Chief Economist, Scottish Government
A.2 Full survey
SBBS Survey
Please respond to this survey from the perspective of the business located at this address if your business occupies a single property; if your business occupies multiple properties, please respond to the survey from the perspective of the business as a whole.
Consent and data handling
By completing this survey you are consenting to your survey data being used as part of research undertaken by the Fraser of Allander Institute at the University of Strathclyde into non-domestic rates. The collected survey data will be used as evidence in research outputs such as reports.
Individual survey returns will remain completely confidential, and will not be shared outside the project research team at the Fraser of Allander Institute. Anonymised data from the surveys will be shared with the Scottish Government. Participation in the survey assumes consent for data handling in line with this purpose. All data will be held in accordance with the University of Strathclyde's and the Scottish Government's data protection policies. Your data will be stored for a maximum period of two years. For more details please see:
Business details
Q1) How old is your business?
- 0 – 5 years
- 5 – 10 years
- 10+ years
Q2) What industry/ies best reflects/reflect the activities that your business operates in?
- Agriculture, forestry and fishing; Mining and Quarrying Industries
- Manufacturing
- Electricity & Gas Supply; Water Supply & Waste Management
- Retail & Wholesale
- Accommodation and Food Services (e.g. cafes and restaurants)
- Transport, Storage and Communication including Computer Services
- Finance and Insurance Services
- Business Services, e.g. Engineering, Professional / Administrative Services and Real Estate
- Public administration, Education, Health, Care
- Other Services, e.g. Cultural, Entertainment, Sports, Repairs to Personal Items, Personal Services
Q3) If your business has a single property, is it owned or rented? If your business has multiple properties, are these mostly owned or mostly rented?
- Owned
- Rented
Q4) Does your business also have premises in
- Rest of the UK?
- Rest of the world?
Business outcomes
Q5) Please complete the following table detailing the average number of full-time equivalent* employees in the business in each of the years indicated. Please include all short-term/casual staff, do not count owners/partners, exclude any agency staff, and be as accurate as you can in providing this information.
Number of full-time equivalent (FTE) employees
- 2019
- 2018
- 2017
- 2016
* e.g. A person working half the hours of full-time for a whole year, or a person working full-time for half the year, is a full-time equivalent of 0.5. A short-term member of staff only working in December is a full-time equivalent of 0.083. A person working on Saturdays only is a full-time equivalent of 0.2.
Q6) Please complete the following table detailing the turnover for the business for the last three financial years to the nearest £1,000.
My financial year runs from month:
- 2018/19
- 2017/18
- 2016/17
Q7) How would you describe the current position of the business (tick the closest description)?
- Contracting rapidly
- Contracting moderately
- Stable
- Growing moderately
- Growing rapidly
Q8) If you compare your expenditure in 2019 with your expenditure in 2017, how would you say your level of expenditure in each of the following areas has changed?
Decreased | No change | Increased | N/A | |
Hourly wages | ||||
Training expenditure per member of staff | ||||
Investment in new equipment | ||||
Research and development | ||||
Other business charges (e.g., water; waste collection; etc) | ||||
Advertising/marketing | ||||
Capital expenditure on business premises | ||||
Non-domestic rates | ||||
Rent for business premises | ||||
Taxes |
Q9) Do all of your employees aged over 25 receive at least the Real Living Wage (£9.30 per hour)?
- No
- Yes
Q10) Considering your business costs, please rate each of the following costs in terms of importance to the operation of your business (if any are not relevant, please indicate with n/a)
Unimportant | Important | Very important | n/a | |
Rent for business premises (if applicable) | ||||
Physical stock | ||||
Wages and other employee costs | ||||
Equipment | ||||
Utilities (electricity, gas, water, telephony/broadband) | ||||
Transport and fuel | ||||
Non-domestic rates | ||||
VAT | ||||
Other taxes (e.g. corporation tax) |
Q11) Suppose that your monthly business costs increased by £300 per month. Which, if any, of the following aspects of your business might be affected? Please tick all that apply.
- No impact
- Almost no impact
- Decrease number of staff / staff hours
- Decrease wages
- Decrease investment in training
- Decrease investment in equipment
- Reduce scale of operation within current premises
- Move to smaller business premises
- Reduced business viability
- Other (please specify)
Q12) Suppose that your monthly business costs decreased by £300 per month. Which, if any, of the following aspects of your business might be affected? Please tick all that apply.
- No impact
- Almost no impact
- Increase number of staff / staff hours
- Increase wages
- Increase investment in training
- Increase investment in equipment
- Increase scale of operation within current premises
- Move to larger business premises
- Improved business viability
- Other (please specify)
Q13) Considering government spending, how important is it to your business that the government spends additional money on the following? (If any are not relevant, please indicate with n/a).
Unimportant | Important | Very important | n/a | |
Vocational training, education and skills | ||||
Public transport | ||||
Support for town centres | ||||
Business services (e.g. waste collection) | ||||
Non-domestic rates relief | ||||
Other business support, e.g. grants |
Q14) What are your business's main priorities for the coming year? Please rate each of the following potential priorities on a scale from 1 (not thinking about this) to 5 (key priority).
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | |
Increase the number or hours of staff | |||||
Increase the remuneration of staff | |||||
Expand into new markets | |||||
Increase turnover | |||||
Improve customer satisfaction | |||||
Expand current business premises | |||||
Move to a larger business premises | |||||
Change location to reduce costs | |||||
Investing in or adding new products or services | |||||
Reduce staffing costs | |||||
Reduce other business costs | |||||
Survival |
SBBS questions
Q15) Do you know how much your non-domestic rates bill is?
- No
- Yes
Q16) Who takes responsibility for paying the rates bill for the property/ies your business occupies? If your business has more than one property please give the most typical answer.
- I pay the rates bill
- I use a rating agent to pay the rates bill
- My landlord pays the rates bill
- I don't know who pays the rates bill
- My head office pays the rates bill
- Other (please specify):
Q17) Have you heard of the Small Business Bonus Scheme (SBBS)?
- No
- Yes
Q18) Do you know the current 'rateable value' of the property/ies your business occupies? If so, what is it (if you have multiple properties, please enter the total)? Please answer to the nearest £1,000.
- No
- Yes
Q19) Do you receive SBBS relief on your non-domestic rates for any of your business properties and if so, how much?
- No
- 25%
- 100%
- Don't know
- Other (please specify)
Q20) If you do not claim SBBS relief on your business property/ies, please state why
- My business is not eligible for SBBS relief
- I am not aware that I can claim SBBS relief
- I haven't completed the paperwork to claim
- I claim other relief(s), e.g. charitable exemption
Q21) Do you receive any other type of business grant support? E.g. from Scottish Enterprise.
- No
- Yes
Q22) If you receive SBBS relief, what is the impact of receiving the relief on the following aspects of your business? Please answer on a scale from 1-5, where 1 is no impact and 5 is substantial impact.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | |
Hiring more staff or increasing staff hours | |||||
Paying the Real Living Wage | |||||
Investing in business improvements such as new equipment, products, systems, upgrades to premises etc | |||||
Investing in staff training | |||||
Business survival | |||||
Other (please specify below) |
Please answer the following questions on the Small Business Bonus Scheme (SBBS).
Q23) Every business, no matter how small, should pay at least some non-domestic rates to make a contribution to local services.
- Strongly disagree
- Disagree
- Neither disagree nor agree
- Agree
- Strongly agree
- Don't know
Q24) SBBS is important in supporting town centres.
- Strongly disagree
- Disagree
- Neither disagree nor agree
- Agree
- Strongly agree
- Don't know
Q25) SBBS is ineffective in supporting small businesses as any relief received is reflected in higher property rent.
- Strongly disagree
- Disagree
- Neither disagree nor agree
- Agree
- Strongly agree
- Don't know
Q26) SBBS relief represents only a small cost saving for businesses relative to the other costs they face.
- Strongly disagree
- Disagree
- Neither disagree nor agree
- Agree
- Strongly agree
- Don't know
Q27) SBBS gives an unfair competitive advantage to recipients.
- Strongly disagree
- Disagree
- Neither disagree nor agree
- Agree
- Strongly agree
- Don't know
Q28) SBBS, which provided £254m of relief in 2018-19, is a good use of public money.
- Strongly disagree
- Disagree
- Neither disagree nor agree
- Agree
- Strongly agree
- Don't know
Q29) SBBS is a key factor in business location choice.
- Strongly disagree
- Disagree
- Neither disagree nor agree
- Agree
- Strongly agree
- Don't know
Q30) SBBS relief eligibility is a factor in decisions about investment in improving/expanding business property/ies.
- Strongly disagree
- Disagree
- Neither disagree nor agree
- Agree
- Strongly agree
- Don't know
Q31) What, in your opinion, are the benefits or costs of SBBS to communities and local economies?
Q32) Is there anything else you want to tell us about SBBS?
Q33) Would you be willing to provide contact details so that we can get back in touch to ask any clarification questions we might have? If so, please provide your name and a telephone number below.
A.3 Additional tables and figures on the survey sample/design
Property type (core) | No. | Additional Criterion | Property type (core) | No. |
Car Space | 551 | RV <=£500 | Lock-Up | 669 |
Caravan | 1,236 | RV <=£500 | Mast | 8 |
Chalet | 87 | RV <=£500 | Military Facility | 62 |
Garage | 171 | RV <=£500 | Minerals | 97 |
Garden | 19 | RV <=£500 | Monitoring Site | 10 |
Holiday Hut | 115 | RV <=£500 | Monument | 8 |
Home | 5 | RV <=£500 | Oil | 51 |
Shootings | 5,074 | Oil Tank | 11 | |
Aerial | 7 | Park | 6 | |
Ambulance Station | 4 | Peat Moss | 40 | |
Anemometer Mast | 51 | Pigeon Loft | 50 | |
ATM Site | 2,163 | Pipeline | 58 | |
Bothy | 338 | Place of Worship | 4,065 | |
Burial Ground | 88 | Playing Field | 67 | |
Coastguard Station | 3 | Police Station | 41 | |
Common Room | 9 | Prison | 5 | |
Communications | 33 | Public Toilet | 90 | |
Community Centre | 496 | Recreation Ground | 169 | |
Coup | 34 | Sand & Gravel | 83 | |
Display Area | 15 | Slipway | 6 | |
District Heating | 16 | Stance | 469 | |
Electricity | 387 | Sui Generis | 373 | |
Fire Station | 7 | Taxi Rank | 1 | |
Fishing Hut | 362 | Telecommunications | 186 | |
Fishings | 2,309 | Traffic Monitoring | 17 | |
Fuel Tank | 19 | Water | 16 | |
Gas | 55 | Weighbridge | 6 | |
Grazings | 38 | Total | 20,763 | |
Historic Building | 45 | |||
Hut | 279 | |||
Lifeboat Station | 43 | |||
Lighthouse | 9 | |||
Lobster Pond | 4 |


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