
Evaluation of Sources of Support Service

An evaluation of the Dundee Sources of Support programme which involves Links Workers who support patients who access primary care for non-medical issues.


This report has been made possible by the excellent cooperation of the Sources of Support Link Workers who took time out of their busy schedule to patiently and thoroughly go through each case. They provided a detailed commentary on the original draft of this report which has helped both to clarify and enhance the original analysis. The Equally Well Lead Officer (and Manager for the Sources of Support service) provided excellent and patient support to this piece of work and, along with the NHS Tayside Health Intelligence Manager and the Creating Health Team Senior Policy Officer, Scottish Government, gave valuable comments on a draft of this report. Additional information and cross checking of data was provided by the Community Health Research Evaluation (CHRE) administrators and by the Dundee Healthy Living Initiative (DHLI administrators supporting the Link Workers: thank you, much appreciated one and all.

Lastly, sincere thanks to the local services in Dundee who formed the SOS referral pathway, thus supporting patients to address their needs. These services gave their time and insights to the evaluation, which was greatly appreciated. A full list of participating services and activities is detailed in the tables in Appendix 1. A glossary of services can be found at the back of this report to provide information on roles and remits of participating services where this may not have been apparent from the organisation’s name.


Email: Naureen Ahmad

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