Attainment Scotland Fund - 2022 to 2026: evaluation strategy
Attainment Scotland Fund evaluation strategy which sets out our approach to evaluating the Attainment Scotland Fund during this parliamentary term.
Annex A - Scottish Attainment Challenge Logic Model
Tackling the Poverty-Related Attainment Gap - Our Theory of Change The Scottish Attainment Challenge Logic Model
Inputs | Activities |
National | |
Clear policy framework and guidance for SAC Distribution of funding Evaluation of national progress Support and challenge around Stretch Aims Support for use of data and self-evaluation Support for effective collaboration Professional learning |
Regional | |
Development of regional plan and work programme Support for collaborative working Sharing of good practice Professional learning |
Local authorities | |
Setting stretch aims for improvement Tracking, monitoring and data analysis tools Professional learning around planning, interventions and approaches Development of local authority wide approaches Collaborating with services and communities |
Schools | |
School and class level planning Use of data to target interventions Schools are empowered to implement evidence based interventions/approaches to meet local needs Collaboration within/across schools and local authority Self-evaluation, tracking and reporting of progress |
Communities | |
Children & Young People and family co-production activities Third sector partnerships |
Short-term outcomes
Actively developing empowered leadership in the education systems with embedded structures in place to improve learning, teaching and self-evaluation.
Professional learning
All practitioners engage in professional learning with a focus on equity and reducing poverty related attainment gap.
Established collaborations with local authorities, schools, the third sector and families and communities identifying key priorities across education delivery.
Data and evidence
Practitioners are able to use data effectively to identify the needs of their learners and improve learning and teaching.
Shared understanding
There is shared understanding and shared work amongst all local authorities, practitioners and partners on the Scottish Attainment Challenge aims/mission.
Sustained focus on physical and mental health and wellbeing, literacy and numeracy using pedagogical skills to improve personal achievement, attainment, and positive destinations for children and young people living in poverty.
Readiness to learn
A sustained focus on children and young people's readiness to learn through focusing on engagement and attendance, confidence and wellbeing.
Meaningful engagement with children and young people and their families and communities embedded in decision making in relation to the Scottish Attainment Challenge.
All parts of the system are aware of the range of approaches to support equity, can apply them in their local context and identify impact evidence.
Medium term outcomes
Strong leadership in the education system, using skills developed through continuous professional learning focused on equity and closing the poverty related attainment gap.
Professional learning
Professional learning focussed on equity is embedded and practitioners use these skills and knowledge to improve outcomes for children and young people.
Strategic collaboration across the education system results in innovative, impactful and sustainable approaches to dosing the poverty related attainment gap.
Data and evidence
An embedded use of data and evidence is used to build and share an understanding of effective interventions in closing the poverty related attainment gap.
Culture and ethos
An embedded culture and ethos based on education equity exists in the education system that promotes high aspirations and recognises broader achievement for all children and young people and their families.
Learning and teaching
High quality learning, teaching and assessment, focussing on achieving equity for learners, across Health and Wellbeing, literacy and numeracy.
Readiness to learn
Improvements in engagement, attendance, confidence and wellbeing of children and young people.
Embedded engagement and participation of children and young people, families and communities in the learner journey.
Evidence based approaches embedded in the system with continuous refinement/adaptation based on the effective interventions in the local context.
Long term outcomes
Closing the gap
Closing of the attainment gap between the most and least disadvantaged children and young people, in line with stretch aims.
Embedded practices
An embedded culture focused on equity continuously supporting and developing practice at all levels of the system addressing impacts of the poverty related attainment gap.
Education outcomes
Children and young people have rights to equality of opportunity to positive and excellent education outcomes regardless of their background.
Education system
An education system which actively and addresses poverty, removing barriers through inclusive ethos, practice and approaches for children and young people, parents and carers and practitioners.
An education system which encourages, reflects, and values the breadth of achievements that contribute to improved outcomes for children.
Excellence through raising attainment
Excellence through raising attainment and improving outcomes: ensuring that every child and young person achieves the highest standards in literacy and numeracy, as well as the knowledge and skills necessary to shape their future as successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens, and effective contributors.
Achieving equity
Achieving equity: ensuring every child and young person has the same opportunity to succeed, no matter their background or shared protected characteristics, with a particular focus on closing the poverty related attainment gap.
To use education to improve outcomes for children and young people impacted by poverty with a focus on tackling the poverty related attainment gap to deliver on the Government's vision of equity and excellence in education.
Key Resources
- National Improvement Hub
- Equity Toolkit
- Pupil Equity Funding: Looking inwards, outwards forwards
- The Logic Model draws on experience from the SAC programme to date and associated evaluation and highlights activities that evidence shows positively impact attainment (data literacy, collaborative working, targeting selecting and evaluating approaches, understanding barriers, culture and ethos, professional learning)
- There is no hierarchy of outcomes in terms of importance to the programme
- There is a recognition that some of the outcomes will need to be continuously met, as they are contingent on ongoing activity
- Collaboration with partners will lead to innovative and impactful approaches.
- Engagement with Children and Young People and their families will lead to better decision making
- Leadership and professional learning will support development of a positive culture and ethos
- Use of data and evidence when they are critically interrogated can lead to better targetting of those who need support and can assist with monitoring of progress
- The right to and goals of education and enshrined in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC)
- Local authorities have the statutory duties to provide education, deliver educational improvement, secure best value, and fulfill their role as employer
Contextual factors
- Impact of Covid
- Focus on Health and Wellbeing
- Increase in cost of living/poverty
- Voice of Children and Young People
- Education Reform
- Focus on wider achievement
- Changes in funding models
- Role of local authorities
- Parent/Carer/Family engagement
- Partnership working
- Political change
- Local context
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