
Attainment Scotland Fund (years 3 and 4): evaluation strategy

This report details the strategy and research methods for the evaluation of the Attainment Scotland Fund between now and Year 4 of the fund.

3. Reporting

2.38. This report has explained our approach to the evaluation of the Attainment Scotland Fund. It has detailed the key questions and the methods we will use to address these between 2018 and 2020.

2.39. The first full report on the findings from the evaluation of the Attainment Scotland Fund has been published. This reported on the first two years of the fund, prior to the introduction of PEF, and can be accessed here:

2.40. A second evaluation report will be published externally in early 2020 and this will consider the progress of both the Attainment Scotland Fund (four years in) and Pupil Equity Funding (two years in).


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