
Suicide Bereavement Support Service: evaluation report - year 2

This report covers Year 2 of the multi-year evaluation of the Suicide Bereavement Support Service (SBSS). It draws on two years of the evaluation to date while also providing additional learning and evidence on experiences and outcomes.


1 Public Health Scotland suicide statistics for Scotland for the year 2021

2 Pitman, A. et al., 2014. Effects of suicide bereavement on mental health and suicide risk. Lancet Psychiatry 1(1), pp. 86-94

3 Every Life Matters - Scotland's suicide prevention action plan

4 Public Health Scotland suicide statistics for Scotland for the year 2021

5 Pitman, A. et al., 2014. Effects of suicide bereavement on mental health and suicide risk. Lancet Psychiatry 1(1), pp. 86-94

6 Cerel, J., Brown, M., Maple, M., Singleton, M., van deVenne, J., Moore, M., & Flaherty, C. (2018). How many people are exposed to suicide? Not six. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior.

7 Every Life Matters - Scotland's suicide prevention action plan

8 Suicide Bereavement Support Service - Year one evaluation summary report



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