
Telemedicine early medical abortion at home: evaluation

We commissioned this evaluation of early medical abortion at home (EMAH) in Scotland in 2021. The evaluation sought to determine the safety and efficacy of the current arrangements and help inform Ministers about the future of EMAH.

Appendix 2 – WP3 Survey Questions

How did you have your abortion assessment/consultation with the doctor or nurse (the appointment before you had the abortion)?

By telephone call

By video / internet call (e.g. skype, WhatsApp, Near Me)

I had a telephone call with the doctor/nurse but then had to attend the clinic for a consultation

I attended a clinic to be seen in person

Prefer not to answer

Did you feel you could talk privately during the consultation without risk of being overheard by people?


No, but privacy was not important to me


Prefer not to answer

How satisfied were you with having your consultation this way?

Very satisfied

Fairly satisfied


Slightly dissatisfied

Very dissatisfied

Prefer not to answer

If you could have chosen a particular type of consultation to discuss abortion, which would you have chosen?

Telephone call

Video / internet call (e.g. skype, WhatsApp, Near Me)

Attend a clinic

Don’t know

Prefer not to answer

Were you asked whether you were experiencing domestic violence / a partner being violent towards you?



Don’t know

Prefer not to answer

Did you feel you had enough time and opportunities to discuss how you were feeling about having an abortion or any uncertainty, and to allow you to decide whether to have an abortion?


No, but I didn’t feel I needed to discuss this


Don’t know

Prefer not to answer

Do you feel you were given enough information (online, written and/or verbal) about the abortion and any potential side-effects?



Don’t know

Prefer not to answer

Did you receive an ultrasound scan to confirm the weeks of pregnancy before your treatment?



Don’t know

Prefer not to answer

How did you feel about having an ultrasound scan before you could start treatment?

I was fine about having an ultrasound

I wanted to have an ultrasound

I would have preferred not to have an ultrasound

Don’t know

Prefer not to answer

If you could have chosen whether or not to have an ultrasound scan before taking medical abortion pills, what would you have chosen?

I would have chosen not to have an ultrasound scan

I would have chosen an ultrasound scan

Don’t know

Prefer not to answer

How certain were you of the date of your last period and the number of weeks pregnant you were?

Very certain

Fairly certain

Slightly uncertain

Very uncertain

Prefer not to answer

How many weeks pregnant were you when you had the abortion? Please round down to nearest completed week e.g. if you were 10 weeks and 5 days pregnant, please write '10'. If you can't remember exactly, please estimate. If you don't know, please type in '99'.

Please enter a whole number (integer). Please make sure the number is between 0 and 99. Your answer should be no more than 2 characters long.

Where did you take the medical abortion pills (mifepristone and misoprostol)?

I took both pills at home

I took the first pill (mifepristone) in the clinic/hospital and the second pills (misoprostol) at home

I took both pills in the clinic/hospital

Somewhere else

Prefer not to answer

How did you get your abortion medications?

I got the medications at the clinic/hospital

Delivered to me by post

Delivered to me by courier

I got the medications at a pharmacy

Something else

Prefer not to answer

How long did it take for your medications to arrive?

Arrived the same or the next day

Arrived within one week

Arrived over one week later

Prefer not to answer

Were you offered a discussion about contraception at your consultation?



Don’t know

Prefer not to answer

Do you feel this contraceptive discussion met your needs?



Don’t know

Prefer not to answer

Were you offered supplies of contraception at your consultation?



Don’t know

Prefer not to answer

Do you feel the contraceptive supplies you were offered met your needs?



Don’t know

Prefer not to answer

Were you offered a test for sexually transmitted infections (such as a swab to take at home, or a test at the clinic)?


No, but I did not want a STI test

No, and I would have liked a STI test

Don’t know

Prefer not to answer

Overall, how satisfied were you with the care you received from the clinic before, during and after the abortion?

Very satisfied

Slightly satisfied


Slightly dissatisfied

Very dissatisfied

Prefer not to answer

Do you think that patients should continue to be offered the option of having a telephone/video/internet consultation for abortion?



Don’t know

Prefer not to answer

Do you think women who are eligible for an abortion at home should continue to be offered the option of taking both pills for medical abortion (mifepristone and misoprostol) at home?



Don’t know

Prefer not to answer

Do you think women who are eligible for an abortion at home should continue have the option of having abortion medications delivered directly to them? (This would include delivery by post or courier)



Don’t know

Prefer not to answer

Do you think women who are eligible for an abortion at home should be able to choose to collect the abortion medications from a local community pharmacy?



Don’t know

Prefer not to answer

Which age category do you belong to?

Under 16 years






40 or older

Prefer not to answer

Please tell us the first part of your postcode. This cannot identify exactly where you live but just tell us the general area. We need everything except the last two letters and please include the space. If your postcode is 6 characters, e.g. EH3 9ES, just write EH3 9. If your postcode is 7 characters, e.g. EH54 6PP, just write EH54 6.

Where was the clinic/hospital in Scotland that you received your treatment from?

Ayrshire and Arran


Dumfries & Galloway


Forth Valley

Greater Glasgow and Clyde








Western Isles

Prefer not to answer

Do you consider yourself to have a disability (physical, mental developmental or other)?



Prefer not to answer

Please tell us about the nature of your disability

What is your ethnic group?

White, White Scottish or White British

Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups

Asian, Scottish Asian or British Asian

Black, African, Caribbean or Black Scottish or Black British

Arab, Scottish Arab or British Arab

Other ethnic group

Prefer not to answer

Please specify further

What is your sex?




Prefer not to say

What is your gender?

I am a woman

I am a man

I am non-binary

Prefer not to answer

What is the highest educational or school qualification that you have?

Primary school

Secondary school




Prefer not to answer

Please specify

Have you ever given birth before?



Prefer not to say

Have you ever had a miscarriage before?



Prefer not to say

Have you ever had an ectopic pregnancy or a pregnancy of unknown location (outside womb and usually in tube)?



Prefer not to answer


Do you have any further comments you would like to make about your experience or about future abortion care in Scotland ? If so please enter them here – but please do not enter any details that could identify you or another individual:



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