
Telemedicine early medical abortion at home: evaluation

We commissioned this evaluation of early medical abortion at home (EMAH) in Scotland in 2021. The evaluation sought to determine the safety and efficacy of the current arrangements and help inform Ministers about the future of EMAH.

Appendix 3 – Survey start times at each health board

Ayrshire and Arran 25/07/2022

Borders 21/07/2022

Dumfries and Galloway 22/08/2022

Fife 01/09/2022

Forth valley 11/10/2022

Grampian 22/08/2022

Greater Glasgow and Clyde 22/08/2022

Highland 31/10/2002

Lanarkshire 08/09/2022

Lothian 04/07/2022

Orkney 07/11/2022

Shetland 15/11/2022

Tayside 25/08/2022

Western Isles 11/07/2022



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