
Universal Health Visiting Pathway evaluation - phase 1: main report - primary research with health visitors and parents and case note review

The Universal Health Visiting Pathway was introduced in Scotland in 2015 to refocus the approach to health visiting. This is the first report of 4 that provides findings of the National Evaluation of Health Visiting. It focuses on primary research with health visitors and parents and case note review.

Appendix 4 Topic Guide (Parents)

Background information:

Number of children:

Experience of previous service:

Age of child (months/Years):

Postcode (without the last two letters):

1. Could you tell me how many visits you have received from your Health Visitor before and after you had your baby?

2. How do you feel about the number of visits you have received from your Health Visitor so far?

3. Have these visits been carried out by the same Health Visitor? If not, why do you think this is so? Which other health professional(s) have visited you?

4. How would you describe your relationship with your Health Visitor?

5. Do you feel that you are able to contact your Health Visitor with any concerns?

6. Has your experience of having a Health Visitor changed? (Only for those who have older children or have previous experience of health visiting service)

7. What support and advice did you receive from your health visitor regarding your child’s development, wellbeing and safety?

a. Was this helpful for you?

b. If not, what else would have helped?

8. How has your Health Visitor helped you to understand your relationship with your baby? Prompt: How has your Health Visitor helped you to respond to your baby’s needs in a sensitive and consistent ways (attachment)?

9. What support and advice did you receive from your health visitor regarding breastfeeding, weaning, early diet, oral health or smoke free home?

a. Has this improved your understanding of these issues?

b. Has this influenced your choices in any ways?

10. In terms of the supports and information you received from your Health Visitor, do you feel they were offered at the right time?

11. Has your Health Visitor helped you to understand the importance of having a home learning environment (e.g. play, reading)? If so, in what ways?

12. Do you feel your Health Visitor has made you more aware of groups and services within your local area? If so, could you give me some examples please?

13. Has your Health Visitor helped in terms of engaging your family with appropriate services or professionals? If so, in what ways? Was this timely?

14. What is the most important part of having a Health Visitor to you?



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