
Whole system approach to young people who offend: evaluation

An evaluation of our Whole System Approach (WSA) to young people who offend in Scotland.

List of Acronyms

CAMHS Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services

Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service
The independent public prosecution service in Scotland. It is responsible for the investigation and prosecution of crime in Scotland.

EEI Early and Effective Intervention
EEI aims to prevent future offending or antisocial behaviour by providing timely and proportionate interventions, and alerting other agencies to concerns about the child or young person's behaviour and well-being. Also see PRS below.
JLO Juvenile Liaison Officer
This is not necessarily a national term but describes a role within Police Scotland that co-ordinates offence and concern referrals involving young people. They cross reference information and make decisions about police direct measures and cases to be discussed at multi-agency screening meetings.
PF Procurator Fiscal
Legally qualified prosecutors who receive reports about crimes from the police and other agencies and make decisions on what action to take in the public interest and where appropriate prosecute cases.
PRS Pre-referral screening
Initial screening and decision making process for young people who have been charged by the police. PRS operates on either a multi-agency group basis or led by a single agency (usually the police) in consultation with other agencies. In some parts of Scotland, PRS is referred to as EEI.
TAC Tasking and Co-ordination (e.g Neighbourhood or youth TAC Groups)
Following the move to a single police service, Neighbourhood TAC groups were relaunched as Community Improvement Partnerships ( CIPs). For the purposes of this evaluation, we retain the older TAC terminology which is still used by many practitioners.
WSA Whole System Approach to offending by young people.
The WSA aims to divert young people who offend from statutory measures, prosecution and custody through the use of early intervention and robust community alternatives.


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