Everyone Matters: 2020 Workforce Vision Implementation Plan 2015-16

This is the second annual implementation plan containing actions for NHS Boards, Scottish Government and others.

Implementing the 2015-16 plan

This implementation plan sets out the minimum actions that need to begin during 2015-16; some will take longer than one year to complete. Boards are encouraged to start this work as soon as possible, building on their progress with the 2014-15 actions.

It is essential that progress is made on all of the actions as the next implementation plan will introduce additional actions. Progress will be monitored mainly through Local Delivery Plans.

In implementing the actions in this plan, and those carried forward from 2014-15, NHS Boards are expected to:

  • make use of performance information and sources of intelligence, such as iMatter, staff and patient survey results, to inform the work they do and how they prioritise local actions
  • engage with staff, stakeholders and partner organisations in planning this work, building on the collaborative approach adopted so far
  • ensure that the way they take this work forward reflects the NHSScotland core values and the Staff Governance Standard
  • adopt a flexible approach to delivery to avoid duplication and ensure that ongoing work is sufficient and fully aligned to this implementation plan
  • make connections when developing local programmes of work recognising that many of the actions in this plan are cross-cutting and support more than one priority
  • ensure that effective arrangements are in place locally to monitor progress
  • undertake tests of change in relation to new ways of working and delivering services
  • ensure that all learning and development programmes reflect the vision, values and five priorities in Everyone Matters.

Support for NHS Boards in implementing Everyone Matters, including case studies and links to relevant policies, is available on the workforce vision website (www.workforcevision.scot.nhs.uk).


Email: Marilyn Barrett

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