Everyone Matters: 2020 Workforce Vision Implementation Plan 2015-16

This is the second annual implementation plan containing actions for NHS Boards, Scottish Government and others.

Priorities for action 2015-16

Healthy organisational culture - creating a healthy organisational culture in which our NHSScotland values are embedded in everything we do, enabling a healthy, engaged and empowered workforce. The focus this year is on ensuring behaviours consistently live up to expectations.

Scottish Government and others will:

Provide organisational development support and tools to NHSScotland Boards.

NHS Boards will:

Promote and recognise the behaviours of individuals and teams at all levels which reflect our values.

Sustainable workforce - ensuring that the right people are available to deliver the right care, in the right place, at the right time. Strengthening workforce planning continues to be the focus this year.

Scottish Government and others will:

Collaborate to make better use of analysis, intelligence and modelling of education and workforce data to inform longer-term planning
Refresh workforce planning guidance taking a three-year approach which takes account of the challenges of a multi-disciplinary workforce
Develop an integrated workforce planning approach across the wider workforce with other partners.

NHS Boards will:

Use high quality workforce data and contextual information to inform local workforce plans
Ensure that recommendations from the Working Longer Review around occupational health, safety and wellbeing are fully implemented and that flexible approaches are taken.

Capable workforce - ensuring that everyone has the skills needed to deliver safe, effective, person-centred care. The focus this year is on developing a more consistent, Scotland-wide approach to learning and development.

Scottish Government and others will:

Develop a learning and development framework and career pathways taking account of prior learning, particularly for support workers
Provide ongoing investment in developing Quality Improvement[3] capability across the workforce to meet the growing demand for these skills.

NHS Boards will:

Ensure that everyone has a meaningful conversation about their performance, their development and career aspirations
Develop the skills and behaviours required for working collaboratively and flexibly across primary and secondary care, and across health and social care.

Integrated workforce - developing an integrated health and social care workforce across NHS Boards, local authorities and third party providers. The focus this year is on working with colleagues and partner organisations to implement integrated health and social care workforce arrangements.

Scottish Government and others will:

Develop a shared approach to Quality Improvement and skills development across health and social care.

NHS Boards will:

Work with partners toward the Health and Wellbeing Outcomes[4] developing a shared culture, values and ways of working through effective teams and local partnerships
Provide leadership to continue to support the integration of primary and secondary care recognising the role of GPs, dentists, pharmacists and others as part of the workforce.

Effective leadership and management - leaders and managers lead by example and empower teams and individuals to deliver the 2020 Vision. This year, the focus is on ensuring effective leadership for change.

Five priorities have emerged that will guide this work:

  • Cross sector working
  • Adopting values driven approaches
  • Making space for honest dialogue to improve performance, sustain good performance and tackle poor performance
  • Strengthening management at all levels but with a particular focus on middle management, talent management and succession planning
  • Leading teams and engaging people.

Boards should ensure that the way they take this work forward reflects the NHSScotland core values and the Staff Governance Standard.

Scottish Government and others will:

Support the delivery of work on the five leadership and management priorities.

NHS Boards will:

Build leadership skills to lead/drive Quality Improvement
Ensure leaders at all levels and in all professions have the skills to support the workforce through change.


Email: Marilyn Barrett

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