
Everyone Matters: 2020 Workforce Vision Implementation Plan 2017-2018

This is the fourth implementation plan for NHS Boards, Scottish Government and others to deliver the 2020 Workforce Vision.


This document was developed by the Everyone Matters Implementation Group ( EMIG). The Group is chaired by Shirley Rogers, Director of Health Workforce and Strategic Change. Group members are: Alan Cook, NHS Tayside; Alan Boyter (until September 2016), Janis Butler (from September 2016) NHS Lothian; Jane Grant, NHS Forth Valley; Caroline Lamb, NHS Education for Scotland; Morag Mclaren, NHS Forth Valley; Anne Thomson, Partnership Representative; Julie Lamberth, Partnership Representative; Paula McLeay, COSLA; Lilian Macer, Partnership Representative; David Garbutt, Scottish Ambulance Service; Brian Moore, Inverclyde Health and Social Care Partnership; Mairi-Anne MacDonald, Scottish Social Services Council; Fee Hodgkiss, Scottish Government; Fiona McQueen, Scottish Government; Scottish Government Project Team: Jane Hamilton; Kerry Chalmers; Simon Williams; Craig Worton and Luke McPherson.


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