Everyone Matters: 2020 Workforce Vision Implementation Plan 2017-2018

This is the fourth implementation plan for NHS Boards, Scottish Government and others to deliver the 2020 Workforce Vision.

NHS Board Success Stories

The following case studies are examples of the innovative work which is being delivered by NHS Boards. Further case studies are available at www.workforcevision.scot.nhs.uk.

Healthy Organisational Culture - Going for Gold

One of the ways NHS Forth Valley is measuring whether they are achieving their workforce aspirations and Everyone Matters priorities is through the Investors in People Award scheme. With Investors in People ( IIP) Silver Award already under its belt, NHS Forth Valley is going for Gold!

Sustainable Workforce - Shared Services: NHS Orkney and NHS Grampian

Whilst retaining local services and staff and protecting remote and rural employment, this innovative shared model enhances the provision of services across both board areas and improves the quality, efficiency and sustainability of their Human Resources services. The Boards have provided a genuine shared service that demonstrates effective collaboration.

Capable Workforce - Developing Education Pathways for Estates and Facilities Staff in NHSScotland

NHS Education for Scotland ( NES) piloted the SVQ2 in Facilities Services to test its relevance for NHSScotland staff. Evaluation after the participants completed the qualification showed that they are more likely to deal with matters they would have previously left to a more senior colleague. Staff now have a better understanding of the "bigger picture" and line managers would recommend this qualification to other staff.

Workforce to deliver integrated Services - Playing to Your Strengths: Leadership Development for Health and Social Care Integration

NHS Lothian's Organisational Development ( OD) Team have been working in collaboration with counterparts in their four Councils to deliver a brief leadership development intervention for leaders in health and social care, designed to complement existing programmes in each organisation. More than 100 leaders from across health, social care, GPs and the independent and voluntary sectors have participated so far. Evaluation has shown that this has been a valued and effective intervention. It has also been successful at developing relationships and networks across the HR and OD teams who have come together to deliver this programme.

Effective Leadership and Management - Recruiting to our Shared Values

Golden Jubilee Foundation has developed and is using a comprehensive framework of Values Based Recruitment ( VBR). VBR and competency based recruitment was initially used for Senior Managers (Band 8 plus) and is currently being extended to all staff.


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