Everyone Matters: 2020 Workforce Vision Implementation Plan 2017-2018

This is the fourth implementation plan for NHS Boards, Scottish Government and others to deliver the 2020 Workforce Vision.


We will continue to deliver the actions identified in previous implementation plans [7] unless these have already been completed or have evolved into other actions.

In addition, for 2017-18, actions for the Scottish Government, Boards and others are:

Scottish Government and others will:

  • Ensure full implementation of iMatter, working with Boards to improve the experience of staff from all backgrounds. Continue to understand and develop the linkages between staff experience and patient experience. ( Healthy Organisational Culture)
  • Develop approaches to create a workforce which is confident and competent in using technology to make decisions and deliver care. (Capable)
  • Develop and implement a national and regional workforce planning system across the NHSScotland to help deliver the vision set out in the National Clinical Strategy. (Sustainable)
  • Provide support to health and social care partnerships on the workforce themes and challenges emerging from Strategic Plans and Workforce Plans. (Workforce to Deliver Integrated Services)
  • Ensure effective implementation of development programmes to ensure that those aspiring to, or currently in, boardroom-level positions and boards of governance can be as effective as possible in demonstrating leadership at the highest level. (Effective Leadership and Management)

NHS Boards will:

  • Ensure delivery of their iMatter implementation plans, involve staff in decision making and take meaningful action on staff experience for all staff. (Healthy Organisational Culture).
  • Take action to promote the health, wellbeing and resilience of the workforce, to ensure that all staff are able to play an active role throughout their careers and are aware of the support available to them. (Sustainable)
  • Build confidence and competence among staff in using technology to make decisions and deliver care by encouraging active participation in learning. (Capable)
  • Work across boundaries (between professions, between primary and secondary care, between sectors and so on) to share good practice in learning and development, evidence-informed practice and organisational development. (Capable)
  • Working with partners, develop workforce planning capacity and capability in the integrated setting. (Workforce to Deliver Integrated Services)
  • Implement the new development programme for board-level leadership and talent management. (Effective Leadership and Management)


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