Everyone Matters: 2020 Workforce Vision Implementation Plan 2017-2018

This is the fourth implementation plan for NHS Boards, Scottish Government and others to deliver the 2020 Workforce Vision.

Appendix 1: 2020 Workforce Vision and Values

2020 workforce vision

The 2020 workforce vision for NHSScotland is:

We will respond to the needs of the people we care for, adapt to new, improved ways of working, and work seamlessly with colleagues and partner organisations. We will continue to modernise the way we work and embrace technology. We will do this in a way that lives up to our core values.

Together, we will create a great place to work and deliver a high quality healthcare service which is among the best in the world.

Source: Everyone Matters: 2020 Workforce Vision

Everyone Matters: 2020 Workforce Vision makes a commitment to putting people at the centre of everything we do, and using our shared values to guide the work we do, the decisions we take and the way we treat each other.


The values that are shared across NHSScotland are:

  • Care and compassion
  • Dignity and respect
  • Openness, honesty and responsibility
  • Quality and teamwork.

Source: Everyone Matters: 2020 Workforce Vision

Priorities for action

Everyone Matters identifies five priorities for action.

Healthy Organisational Culture - creating a healthy organisational culture in which our NHSScotland values are embedded in everything we do, enabling a healthy, engaged and empowered workforce.

Sustainable Workforce - ensuring that the right people are available to deliver the right care, in the right place, at the right time.

Capable Workforce - ensuring that everyone has the skills needed to deliver safe, effective, person-centred care.

Workforce to Deliver Integrated Services - developing a health and social care workforce across NHS Boards, local authorities and third party providers to deliver integrated services.

Effective Leadership and Management - leaders and managers lead by example and empower teams and individuals to deliver the 2020 Vision.


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