
Everyone Matters:2020 Workforce Vision. Review of progress in 2014-15

The report reviews the progress made in implementing the actions in the Everyone Matters Implementation Plan for 2014-15 and progress toward delivering the 2020 Workforce Vision.

Review of progress in 2014-15

1. Purpose

Everyone Matters: 2020 Workforce Vision[1] was published in June 2013 to support delivery of the 2020 Vision for Health and Social Care[2]. Informed by over 10,000 voices, it sets out a workforce vision and shared values for NHSScotland.

This report reviews the progress made in implementing the actions in the Everyone Matters Implementation Plan for 2014-15 and progress toward delivering the 2020 Workforce Vision.

Our 2020 Workforce Vision

We will respond to the needs of the people we care for, adapt to new, improved ways of working, and work seamlessly with colleagues and partner organisations. We will continue to modernise the way we work and embrace technology. We will do this in a way that lives up to our core values.

Together, we will create a great place to work and deliver a high quality healthcare service which is among the best in the world.

2. Approach

In keeping with our commitment to Boards when Everyone Matters was published, the monitoring and reporting arrangements for this work are based entirely on existing sources of information. As a result, some of the data sources do not fit neatly with the Everyone Matters implementation period.

Assurance that Boards are actively progressing this work has been taken from a range of existing sources including: the staff governance returns; annual reviews; Workforce Plans; Inpatient Experience Survey, Health and Care Experience Survey, ISD Scotland workforce statistics, staff surveys and also case studies.

It will take some time to see the full impact of this work and there will not necessarily be a direct correlation between the work and the data being used to monitor progress. Instead, this report shows trends and an indication of progress.

3. Results

In 2014-15 a huge amount of work was carried out locally and nationally to deliver the Everyone Matters priorities. This could not have been achieved without the commitment and support of the workforce.

Priority areas

  • Healthy organisational culture
  • Sustainable workforce
  • Capable workforce
  • Integrated workforce
  • Effective leadership and management

Overall, progress was made across all five priority areas and in implementing the actions for 2014-15. However, the data used to monitor progress shows variation across Boards. This variation needs to be reduced by spreading and sustaining the improvements that are being made.

In this first year of implementation, Boards focussed on embedding the shared values through local engagement with staff, stakeholders and partner organisations. This early investment will provide a strong foundation for future work. A particular highlight of the year was the progress in implementing iMatter, a tool that measures staff engagement levels and will become increasingly important in measuring progress as we move forward.

NHSScotland values

  • Care and compassion
  • Dignity and respect
  • Openness, honesty and responsibility
  • Quality and teamwork

4. Progress at a glance

A summary of the key trends in the data used to inform the review of progress in 2014-15. More detailed figures are available in the Appendix.

Progress at a glance

*Percentages refer to percentage point increases.

5. Progress

A summary of progress around the five priorities in Everyone Matters is provided below. It is based on information from Boards on the progress they are making, reports of progress against the national actions, and an assessment of relevant data. Many examples of the work that Boards are doing are provided as case studies on the Everyone Matters website.

In this first year, the messages are around trends and direction of travel. This information provides an indication of progress over time and will help to focus effort, in future years, on areas where improvement is needed most.

Healthy organisational culture - to create a healthy organisational culture in which NHSScotland values are embedded in everything we do, enabling a healthy, engaged and empowered workforce

Key messages

  • More people who work in NHSScotland would recommend their Board as a good place to work and 90% said they were prepared to go the extra mile.
  • A particular highlight of the year was the progress in implementing iMatter, a tool for measuring staff engagement levels.

Summary of progress

All Boards now have values that align with the NHSScotland shared values. Six out of ten people who work in NHSScotland would recommend their Board as a good place to work (up from five in ten people last year). 90% said that they were happy to go the extra mile, but there was wide variation in this figure across Boards (from 78% to 93%).

The iMatter Staff Experience continuous improvement model was successfully piloted and is being rolled out across Boards.

Sustainable workforce - ensuring that the right people are available to deliver the right care, in the right place, at the right time

Key messages

  • There are more people working in NHSScotland.
  • Boards are becoming more sophisticated in their approach to workforce planning.

Summary of progress

All Boards have Workforce Plans in place, with the majority of them focussed on the Everyone Matters priorities for action. In addition, all Boards are projecting their future workforce requirements to meet patient needs.

Boards are increasingly using more sophisticated approaches to workforce planning, including the ground-breaking Nursing and Midwifery Workforce Workload tools and "Ward View" a hospital-wide model to help identify areas of potential pressure and ensure better utilisation of multi-professional teams.

Capable workforce - ensuring that all staff have the skills needed to deliver safe, effective, person-centred care

Key messages

  • The NHSScotland workforce is competent and capable.
  • Nine out of ten patients have confidence and trust in the staff involved in their care.

Summary of progress

Boards focussed on developing the knowledge and skills for meaningful appraisals. More staff said they had a development review/appraisal and a higher proportion said it helped them to improve how they do their job. In addition, a lot of work took place to ensure all staff groups, particularly support workers, had more equal access to learning and development. Work is on-going to improve the confidence, capability and capacity of those involved in quality improvement.

A national educational framework was developed for support workers to increase capability and support career progression.

Workforce for integration - developing the workforce across NHS Boards, local authorities and third parties to deliver integrated health and social care

Key messages

  • The governance arrangements for integrated health and social care services were put in place.
  • Eight out of ten people said that their health and social care services were well coordinated, although there was variation across Scotland.

Summary of progress

National guidance was produced to support the creation of effective governance arrangements. In addition, a range of opportunities were created for Boards and their partners to discuss common workforce issues, anticipate challenges and risks, and ensure that appropriate action was taken.

Boards focussed on developing relationships with local authorities and putting in place the governance arrangements for integrated services. All 30 Integrated Joint Boards (IJBs) will be established following approval of their submitted Integration Schemes. Schemes commit IJBs to producing Workforce Development and Organisational Development plans by April 2016.

Eighty percent of people who used social care services said that these services were well coordinated, although this varied by Community Health Partnerships from 64% to 89%.

Work on Strengthening the Links between health and social care in the Human Resource community was established and 3 events have been successfully held.

Effective leadership and management - leaders and managers lead by example and empower teams and individuals to deliver the 2020 Vision

Key message

  • Boards are making progress in developing the kind of leadership and management we want.

Summary of progress

Across Boards there was an increased focus on developing the role and responsibility of line managers. This work is reflected in the staff survey results which indicate that local line management is getting better, for example, more staff said their line manager encourages them at work and more staff said they feel able to speak up and challenge the way things are done.

The strategic action to develop a Leadership Statement for NHSScotland evolved into a framework for Leadership and Management Development, with 5 priority actions, each led by a chief executive. In addition, a Leadership Advisory Board was established across health and social care to ensure a joined-up approach to this work.

6. What's coming next

This report concentrates on progress made in 2014-15.

The implementation plan for 2015-16 is already in place with Boards, Scottish Government and others taking forward another set of actions which build on those started last year.

We will continue to use existing monitoring arrangements and data for reporting. In 2017, once iMatter has been fully implemented in all Boards it will be a key source of information for changes in organisational culture.

The 2020 vision for health and social care is being further developed to take us beyond 2020 through wide engagement with stakeholders including the workforce. As the health and social care landscape changes, Everyone Matters will continue to reflect the five priorities with integration playing an increasing part in implementation. This may impact on the focus for the 2016-17 Everyone Matters Implementation Plan.

The Workforce Vision website will continue to show-case good practice in implementing this work and provide resources for Boards and others to use.

For more information see or call 0131 244 2478.


Email: Marilyn Barrett

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