
Everyone Matters: 2020 Workforce Vision Summary of engagement and consultation responses

To provide a summary of the engagement and consultation with stakeholders on the development of Everyone Matters: 2020 Workforce Vision.


Our people, in all of the disciplines which make up our modern workforce, are fundamental to delivering against the key ambitions and challenges set out within the Healthcare Quality Strategy for NHSScotland, the 2020 Vision for Healthcare in Scotland and the Scottish Government response to the 2011 Christie Commission Report on the Future Delivery of Public Services. We have now developed a vision of what the workforce needs to look like in order to deliver against these ambitions and meet these challenges.

At the outset of our journey, we set out a clear commitment to embarking on an ongoing process of communicating with staff and seeking to engage them in the development of a 2020 Workforce Vision. We recognised that a 2020 Workforce Vision needs to be appropriately informed and that our staff are well placed to advised on what it should include. We also, crucially, recognised that the 2020 Workforce Vision needs to be one in which our workforce share, and that we will not succeed in achieving it without the ongoing support and commitment of our staff.

We set about this process of engaging with staff within NHSScotland, as well as wider key stakeholders, through three distinct phases: early-engagement (to establish the need for a 2020 Workforce Vision and key themes which would need to be considered in developing such a Vision); an initial phase of communication and engagement with NHSScotland staff (to communicate the need for a 2020 Workforce Vision and to seek input from staff to help shape that Vision) and, lastly, based on what people had told us from this earlier work, we issued an outline 2020 Workforce Vision for consultation and subsequently used feedback received to develop the final 2020 Workforce Vision which is being launched at the 2013 NHSScotland Event.

The purpose of this paper is to take you through the 2020 Workforce Vision development journey and to demonstrate how the views of around 10,000 NHSScotland staff, as well as many other key stakeholder groups, have informed this work, through what has been potentially the most extensive NHSScotland-wide exercise in listening to staff and seeking their qualitative feedback to help shape strategic direction, and why, as a result, we can be confident of having produced an appropriately informed, and shared 2020 Workforce Vision.


Email: Marilyn Barrett

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