
Everyone matters: 2020 health workforce vision

This vision recognises the vital role of the workforce in responding to the challenges that NHSScotland is facing.


We are proud of the work we do in Scotland and our passion, drive and enthusiasm to deliver a world class health service. Scotland's Health Service will continue to be a publicly funded and publicly delivered healthcare service free to all our citizens. Our Vision for Healthcare1 and our Healthcare Quality Strategy2 put people at the heart of everything we do and we are committed to delivering the high quality healthcare that the people of Scotland expect and deserve.

Our health service is facing many challenges: growing demand, health inequalities, increasing public expectations, an ageing workforce, recruitment challenges and budget pressures.

"We will deliver the high quality healthcare that the people of Scotland expect and deserve."

The 2020 Workforce Vision has been developed in recognition of the vital role of the workforce in responding to these challenges. It has been informed by 10,000 people3 including NHS staff, trades unions, professional organisations and partners in the delivery of healthcare. It makes a commitment to valuing the workforce and treating people well. A commitment to innovation and making better use of technology. And a commitment to working with other healthcare providers to deliver improved and integrated services.

Everyone who is involved in the delivery of healthcare in Scotland is asked to play their part in making this Vision a reality and to live the values that are shared across Scotland's Health Service to guide the way they work and the decisions they take.

Alex Neil
Cabinet Secretary for Health and Wellbeing


Email: Marilyn Barrett

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