
Everyone matters: 2020 health workforce vision

This vision recognises the vital role of the workforce in responding to the challenges that NHSScotland is facing.

Our Values

Over 150,000 people work for Scotland's Health Service and the majority of the 2020 workforce already work here or are in training. We know from evidence4 that staff who are valued and treated well improve patient care and overall performance. The 2020 Workforce Vision sets out a commitment to valuing the workforce and treating people well.

Together, we will put people at the centre of everything we do and work to a common set of values which guide the work we do, the decisions we take and the way we treat each other.

The values that are shared across Scotland's Health Service are:

  • care and compassion
  • dignity and respect
  • openness, honesty and responsibility
  • quality and teamwork.

Embedding these values in everything we do will help to make our vision a reality. In practice, we need to:

  • demonstrate our values in the way we work and treat each other
  • use our values to guide the decisions we take
  • identify and deal with behaviours that don't live up to our expectations
  • be responsible for the way we work and not just the work we do.


Email: Marilyn Barrett

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