
Everyone matters: 2020 health workforce vision

This vision recognises the vital role of the workforce in responding to the challenges that NHSScotland is facing.

Delivering better healthcare

Our work will increasingly focus on preventing and detecting health problems and keeping people well in their own homes and in the community. And when hospital treatment is required it will be provided to the highest standard of quality and safety. There will be changes to the way we work, the work we do, where we work and the people we work with. Some of the changes include:

  • ensuring healthcare is available where and when it is needed
  • providing wider and more equitable access to healthcare
  • working seamlessly with colleagues in NHSScotland and partners who provide care
  • making more and better use of technology and facilities to increase access to services and improve efficiency
  • strengthening workforce planning to ensure the right people, in the right numbers, are in the right place, at the right time
  • putting new and extended roles into practice
  • providing a safe environment for innovation and improvement
  • using a continuous improvement approach to deliver better ways of working.

"Our work will increasingly focus on preventing and detecting health problems."

"We will deliver seamless healthcare; working with partners in social care, the voluntary sector, independent providers and carers."


Email: Marilyn Barrett

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