
Everyone matters: 2020 health workforce vision

This vision recognises the vital role of the workforce in responding to the challenges that NHSScotland is facing.

Everyone can help

Everyone can help by living our shared values of: care and compassion; dignity and respect; openness, honesty and responsibility; quality and teamwork.

Everyone who works for Scotland's Health Service is an essential and equal member of the team and needs to be valued, treated well and empowered to work to the best of their ability. This will help to improve patient care and overall performance. This will be done by ensuring that everyone:

  • is managed fairly and consistently
  • is provided with a working environment which promotes their health and well-being
  • is supported to make the best use of new technology
  • has fair and appropriate access to learning and development opportunities
  • has time for learning and is supported to develop their skills, knowledge and competence
  • has a meaningful appraisal that helps to improve performance and encourages behaviours that reflect our core values
  • has the skills needed, including professional, technical and people skills
  • has the tools, equipment and resources needed to work effectively.

"People who are valued and treated well improve patient care and overall performance."


Email: Marilyn Barrett

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