
Everyone matters: 2020 health workforce vision

This vision recognises the vital role of the workforce in responding to the challenges that NHSScotland is facing.

Making sure it happens

We need to make sure the 2020 Workforce Vision becomes a reality. Some of the things that will help to make this happen include:

  • putting the Staff Governance Standard5 into practice in all that we do and encouraging our partners to share these principles
  • ensuring that everyone is clear about the values and behaviours expected of them and that our values are put into practice
  • empowering teams and individuals to innovate and make things better
  • nurturing and developing team- working and professionalism
  • employing people who demonstrate our core values by improving recruitment practices
  • recognising the achievements and efforts of individuals and teams
  • valuing and developing management skills and competencies and having managers who lead by example
  • developing leadership skills and competencies at all levels
  • recognising and supporting the role of carers in the delivery of healthcare
  • creating a culture of organisational learning
  • valuing on-the-job learning and recognising the workplace as a major source of learning
  • building on our ground-breaking partnership with trades unions and professional organisations.*

*Research carried out by Nottingham University Business School6 describes NHSScotland's approach to employee relations as "…probably the most ambitious and important contemporary innovation in British public sector industrial relations."


Email: Marilyn Barrett

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