Gypsy/Travellers - accommodation needs: evidence review

Overview of the evidence about the accommodation needs of Gypsy/Travellers in Scotland, drawing on both academic and grey literature. It discusses current provision, accommodation needs and aspirations, and identifies key areas which could be explored through further research.


Amnesty International (2012a). Caught in the headlines: Scottish media coverage of Scottish Gypsy Travellers.

Amnesty International (2012b). On the Margins: Local Authority Service Provision for Scottish Gypsy/Travellers. Edinburgh: Amnesty International.

Brown, P. (2015). Developing Successful site provision for Scotland's Gypsy/Traveller Communities. A report for the Equality and Human Rights Commission.

Brown, P., Niner, P. and Lomax, D. (2009) Assessing Local Authorities Progress in Meeting the Accommodation Needs of Gypsy and Traveller Communities in Scotland. Research Report 44. London: Equality and Human Rights Commission

Clydeplan (2015a). Glasgow and the Clyde Valley Housing Need and Demand Assessment.

Clydeplan (2015b). Gypsy/ Travellers Desktop Study to assist with informing development of Local Housing Strategies for the Glasgow, Clyde Valley and Ayrshire authorities.

Craigforth Consultancy & Research and Engage Scotland (2018) Gypsy/Traveller Sites in Scotland. A report for the Scottish Government.

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Craigforth Consultancy & Research (2009). Accommodation Needs Assessment of Gypsies/Travellers in Grampian.

Craigforth Consultancy & Research (2007). Accommodation needs of Gypsy/Travellers in the West of Scotland.

DCLG (2008). Designing Gypsy and Traveller Sites: Good Practice Guide.

DCLG (2007). Guide to undertaking Gypsy/Traveller accommodation needs. Department for Local Government and Communities.

Equality Commission for Northern Ireland (2009) Outlining Minimum Standards for Traveller Accommodation.

Equality & Human Rights Commission (2013). Gypsy Travellers In Scotland: A resource for the media.

Equal Opportunities Committee (2013). Where Gypsy/Travellers Live: 1st Report, 2013 (Session 4).

Equal Opportunities Committee (2001) Inquiry into Gypsy/Travellers and Public Sector Policies Report.

GREC (2017). Accommodation needs of Gypsy/Travellers in Grampian.GREC (2009). Accommodation Needs Assessment of Gypsies/Travellers in Grampian.

Greenfields, M., Home, R., Cemlyn, S., Bloxsom, J. and Lishman, R. (2007) West of England Gypsy Traveller Accommodation (and Other Needs) Assessment Report 2006–2016, Buckingham: Buckingham Chilterns College.

Hodges, N. & Cemlyn, S. (2013) 'The Accommodation Experiences of Older Gypsies and Travellers: Personalisation of Support and Coalition Policy'. Social Policy and Society, 12, pp 205-219, doi:10.1017/S1474746412000413

Home, R. and Greenfields, M. (2006) Cambridge Sub-region Traveller Needs Assessment. A report for Cambridgeshire County Council.

Lyle, K. (2017). Addressing race inequality in Scotland: The way Forward. A report to the Scottish Government.

MECOPP (2019). Gypsy/Traveller's Women's Voices Project Launch Review. Minority Ethnic Carers of Older People Project. (MECOPP)

MECOPP (2016). Hidden carers, Unheard voices. Minority Ethnic Carers of Older People Project.

MECOPP (2015). Self-directed support and Gypsy/Travellers. Minority Ethnic Carers of Older People Project.

Niner, P. (2003) Local Authority Gypsy/Traveller Sites in England. London: ODPM

Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission (2018) 'Out of Sight, Out of Mind: Travellers' Accommodation in Northern Ireland.

Parry, G., Van Cleemput, P., Peters, J., Moore, J., Walters, S., Thomas, K. and Cooper, C. (2004) 'The Health Status of Gypsy and Travellers in England.' Sheffield: University of Sheffield.

Planning Aid Scotland (2019). Using the Place Standard tool to assess the quality of Gypsy/Traveller sites.

Richardson, J. and Codona, J. (2016). Managing and delivering Gypsy and Traveller sites: negotiating conflict. Chartered Institute for Housing.

Scottish Government (2019a). Ministerial Working Group on Gypsy/Travellers minutes: May 2019

Scottish Government (2019b). Improving the Lives of Gypsy Travellers.

Scottish Government (2019c). Housing 2040.

Scottish Government (2019d). Scottish Household Survey.

Scottish Government (2018a). HNDA practitioner's guide 2018

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Scottish Government (2018c). Improving educational outcomes for children and young people from travelling cultures: guidance.

Scottish Government (2018d). Improving Gypsy/Travellers Sites: Progress summary.

Scottish Government (2017a). A Fairer Scotland for All: Race Equality Action Plan 2017-21.

Scottish Government (2017b). Managing unauthorised camping by Gypsy/Travellers in Scotland: guidance for local authorities

Scottish Government (2015a). Gypsy/Travellers in Scotland: A Comprehensive Analysis of the 2011 Census.

Scottish Government (2015b). Scottish Social Attitudes 2015: Attitudes to discrimination and positive action.

Scottish Government (2015c). Improving Gypsy/Traveller Sites: Guidance on minimum site standards, and site tenants' core rights and responsibilities.

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Scottish Housing Regulator (2019a). National Panel of Tenants and Service Users 2018/19 - Thematic Report: Gypsy/Traveller sites.

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Welsh Government (2015). Guidance on undertaking Gypsy/Traveller Need Assessments.

Welsh Government (2015b). Designing Gypsy and Traveller sites.



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