
Executive Board gifts and hospitality: January to March 2017

Information about gifts and hospitality received by members of the Executive Board.

Person Name Grade Name Directorate General Date received (DD-MON-YYYY) Name of organisation of donor What is the estimated value? Description Circumstances in which the gift/hospitality was offered
Evans, Ms Leslie (Leslie) SCS - Permanent Secretary PERMANENT SECRETARY 01-Feb-2017 High Commission Of Canada £15 - £30 Networking Lunch hosted by Canadian High Commissioner Lunch provided at a networking event to discuss gender equality
Evans, Ms Leslie (Leslie) SCS - Permanent Secretary PERMANENT SECRETARY 02-Feb-2017 Scottish Enterprise £15 - £30 Scottish Enterprise Life Sciences Dinner Dinner with a number of others in the business community to discuss future economic prosperity.
Johnston, Mr Paul(Paul) SCS - Director General DIRECTOR-GENERAL LEARNING AND JUSTICE 01-Mar-2017 Scottish Leaders Forum Over £30 Brexit Breakfast - Apex Waterloo Place Hotel invitation
Johnston, Mr Paul (Paul) SCS - Director General DIRECTOR-GENERAL LEARNING AND JUSTICE 16-Mar-2017 Youth Link Scotland Over £30 Youth Link Scotland Event, Crowne Plaza Hotel invitation
Johnston, Mr Paul (Paul) SCS - Director General DIRECTOR-GENERAL LEARNING AND JUSTICE 21-Mar-2017 SPUR Over £30 Spur Retreat Dinner Invitation
Thomson, Mr Kenneth (Ken) SCS - Director General DIRECTOR-GENERAL STRATEGY AND OPERATIONS 20-Mar-2017 Strathclyde University £15 - £30 Lunch - The Scottish Cafe invitation



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