
Executive Board gifts and hospitality: July to September 2017

Information about gifts and hospitality received by members of the Executive Board.

Person Name Grade Name Directorate General Date received (DD-MON-YYYY) Name of organisation of donor What is the estimated value? Description Circumstances in which the gift/hospitality was offered
Davidson, Ms Sarah SCS - Director General DIRECTOR-GENERAL ORGANISATIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND OPERATIONS 01-Jul-2017 Ordnance Survey £15 - £30 Overnight accommodation and lunch at Conference Venue in Oxford Sarah was invited to be a guest speaker at the Ordnance Survey (OS) organised Cambridge Conference.
Evans, Ms Leslie SCS - Permanent Secretary PERMANENT SECRETARY 07-Sep-2017 CBI £15 - £30 Attending CBI Scotland annual dinner. Asked to attend dinner by CBI Scotland Director in order to engage with business leaders.
Evans, Ms Leslie SCS - Permanent Secretary PERMANENT SECRETARY 14-Sep-2017 Institute of Directors £15 - £30 Dinner at IoD Scotland event. Leslie was the guest speaker. Asked to speak to business leaders at a dinner event at the IoD premises in Edinburgh
Johnston, Mr Paul SCS - Director General DIRECTOR-GENERAL EDUCATION, COMMUNITIES AND JUSTICE 30-Aug-2017 Columba 1400 £15 - £30 Dinner at Columba 1400, Overnight stay at Norman Drummond's House (Head of Columba 1400) Invitation
Johnston, Mr Paul SCS - Director General DIRECTOR-GENERAL EDUCATION, COMMUNITIES AND JUSTICE 20-Sep-2017 SLF/International Council of Education Advisors (ICEA) £15 - £30 Scottish Learning Festival (SLF) Dinner As part of SLF/ICEA schedule
Johnston, Mr Paul SCS - Director General DIRECTOR-GENERAL EDUCATION, COMMUNITIES AND JUSTICE 22-Sep-2017 International Council of Education Advisors (ICEA) £15 - £30 Lunch at Glasgow Science Centre As part of ICEA schedule
Stafford, Miss Alyson SCS - Director General DIRECTOR-GENERAL FINANCE 11-Aug-2017 Guest of Air Officer Scotland Over £30 STEM evening at Tattoo Invitation from Air Officer Scotland
Stafford, Miss Alyson SCS - Director General DIRECTOR-GENERAL FINANCE 20-Aug-2017 Guest of Consul General of India £15 - £30 70th year of India's independence with traditional Indian cuisine Invitation from Consul General of India
Thomson, Mr Kenneth SCS - Director General DIRECTOR-GENERAL CONSTITUTION AND EXTERNAL AFFAIRS 28-Sep-2017 Royal Society of Edinburgh £15 - £30 Guest at Royal Society of Edinburgh dinner Dinner and discussion on EU exit issues following lecture



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