
Executive Board gifts and hospitality: October to December 2017

Information about gifts and hospitality received by members of the Executive Board.

Person Name Grade Name Directorate General Date offered (DD-MON-YYYY) Name of organisation of donor What is the estimated value? Description Circumstances in which the gift/hospitality was offered
Ditchburn, Ms Elizabeth SCS - Director General DIRECTOR-GENERAL ECONOMY 17-Oct-17 University of Edinburgh Over £30 Christina Romer Lecture then dinner at Eder Room in the Old College, University of Edinburgh Invited in place of Perm Sec
Ditchburn, Ms Elizabeth SCS - Director General DIRECTOR-GENERAL ECONOMY 26-Oct-17 Woman's Enterprise Scotland Over £30 Business Women and Enterprise at Glasgow Central Hotel Invitation
Evans, Ms Leslie SCS - Permanent Secretary PERMANENT SECRETARY 16-Oct-17 Women of the Year £15 - £30 Attended Women of the Year Luncheon Invited to attend lunch to network with other women interested in promoting gender equality.
Thomson, Mr Kenneth SCS - Director General DIRECTOR-GENERAL CONSTITUTION AND EXTERNAL AFFAIRS 24-Nov-17 Consular Corps of Edinburgh and Leith £15 - £30 Consular Corps dinner Maitaining relationships with consular corps and supporting Cabinet Secretary



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