
Executive Board gifts and hospitality: October to December 2016

Information about gifts and hospitality received by members of the Executive Board.

Person Name Grade Name Directorate General Date received (DD-MON-YYYY) Name of organisation of donor What is the estimated value? Description Circumstances in which the gift/hospitality was offered
Ditchburn, Ms Elizabeth (Liz) SCS - Director General DIRECTOR-GENERAL ECONOMY NULL Tesco Bank £15 - £30 Roundtable dinner with Benny Higgins, CEO Tesco Bank invitation
Ditchburn, Ms Elizabeth (Liz) SCS - Director General DIRECTOR-GENERAL ECONOMY NULL Standard Life £15 - £30 Private dinner with Hugh Aitken, CBI Director for Scotland invitation
Evans, Ms Leslie (Leslie) SCS - Permanent Secretary PERMANENT SECRETARY NULL Staf £15 - £30 Dinner at Bonham Hotel, Edinburgh (Speaking at the dinner) Spoke about leadership/looked after children at a dinner organised by Staf.
Evans, Ms Leslie Elizabeth (Leslie) SCS - Permanent Secretary PERMANENT SECRETARY NULL Consulate General Of Japan Over £30 Japanese Vase Japanese Consul General provided gift during introductory meeting with Perm Sec.
Evans, Ms Leslie (Leslie) SCS - Permanent Secretary PERMANENT SECRETARY NULL ACOSVO £15 - £30 Dinner with ACOSVO (Speaking engagement) Spoke at dinner with ACOSVO at Kirkstane House.
Evans, Ms Leslie(Leslie) SCS - Permanent Secretary PERMANENT SECRETARY NULL Peter Shaw £15 - £30 Book 'Wake up and dream' by Peter Shaw Gift from Peter Shaw
Johnston, Mr Paul (Paul) SCS - Director General DIRECTOR-GENERAL LEARNING AND JUSTICE NULL HMRC £15 - £30 Black History Month Event - Lunch at Portcullis House, 13-21 India Street Glasgow Invitation
Johnston, Mr Paul (Paul) SCS - Director General DIRECTOR-GENERAL LEARNING AND JUSTICE NULL Columba 1400 Over £30 Norman Drummond Breakfast - Columba 1400 Invitation
Johnston, Mr Paul (Paul) SCS - Director General DIRECTOR-GENERAL LEARNING AND JUSTICE NULL COSLA £15 - £30 Lunch - Education Collaboration Event invitation
Johnston, Mr Paul (Paul) SCS - Director General DIRECTOR-GENERAL LEARNING AND JUSTICE NULL Quality Improvement Awards Over £30 Quality Improvement Awards 2016 - Drinks Reception and Dinner invitation
Thomson, Mr Kenneth (Ken) SCS - Director General DIRECTOR-GENERAL STRATEGY AND OPERATIONS NULL Perspectiva Dinner Over £30 Dinner at Aqua Shard, Level 31 The Shard, 31 St. Thomas Street invitation



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