
Executive-level leadership and talent management in NHSScotland: overview paper

A set of actions to address the Health and Social Care Delivery Plan's priority of developing the NHSScotland workforce.

Method, Implementation and Monitoring

17. To date, a Leadership and Talent Management Group with the support of an Operational Sub Group has been designing and progressing this work. The memberships for these two groups can be found at Annex C. Going forward, a programme management approach will be used, underpinned by improvement methodologies. This will be overseen by a newly established national governance group (para. 22 provides more detail) which will replace a number of existing groups and governance mechanisms, including the current Leadership and Talent Management Group. The Chief Executive of NHSScotland will have a prominent role in the overall design and delivery of this new national governance group. The professional leadership will be provided by the Director of Health Workforce and Strategic Change. The governance arrangements will have the necessary technical, policy and secretariat support, as well as access to external experts. The current Leadership and Talent Management Operational Sub Group will continue to support this new group until the approach has been implemented. Monitoring and evaluation will take place on the basis of the actions described below.


Email: Gwen Nicholson

Phone: 0300 244 4000 – Central Enquiry Unit

The Scottish Government
St Andrew's House
Regent Road

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