
Executive-level leadership and talent management in NHSScotland: overview paper

A set of actions to address the Health and Social Care Delivery Plan's priority of developing the NHSScotland workforce.

What Will Be Different?

8. Executive leadership in NHSScotland has been, and remains, fundamental to the delivery of these aims. Working in their own organisations and with strategic partners in local systems, regionally, and corporately at national level, the best and most able managers and leaders will be identified, supported and developed systematically through new nationally-led arrangements. This will ensure that current and future executive leaders are fully equipped to drive the changes required in health and social care. A new approach at national level to talent management and succession planning will ensure sustainability of the talent pipeline. Annex A sets out the key actions and timescales.


Email: Gwen Nicholson

Phone: 0300 244 4000 – Central Enquiry Unit

The Scottish Government
St Andrew's House
Regent Road

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