
Expansion of Early Learning and Childcare – Reinstatement of 1140 statutory duty - Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment (BRIA)

This Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment (BRIA) was carried out to update the BRIA undertaken in relation to the 1140 expansion policy in 2019, and to look at the business and regulatory impacts of reintroducing this policy from August 2021.

6. Consumer Assessment

6.1 As set out in the 2019 Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment, the impact on consumers is expected to be largely positive. The parent survey[19] conducted in 2017 suggested that most parents (73% of those surveyed) combined the current statutory entitlement of 600 hours with paid and/or informal provision. Through the expansion programme, families will be able to access an increased amount of ELC which is free at the point of access, reducing the need to purchase unfunded provision.

6.2 It is also important that the roll-out of the expanded entitlement and the introduction of Funding Follows the Child is supported by clear and accessible information for families to ensure that parents' and carers' know what their child is entitled to and how the new approach will operate. This will form a key part of the work in the remainder of 2019 to develop additional supporting materials to aid implementation of the expanded hours and Funding Follows the Child.



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