
Expansion of Early Learning and Childcare – Reinstatement of 1140 statutory duty - Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment (BRIA)

This Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment (BRIA) was carried out to update the BRIA undertaken in relation to the 1140 expansion policy in 2019, and to look at the business and regulatory impacts of reintroducing this policy from August 2021.

8. Digital impact test

8.1 To support the delivery of the expanded entitlement and the implementation of new models of delivery, a new digital management information system for funded ELC provision is being developed (SEEMiS Early Years). This system will accommodate the increased flexibility of provision being introduced and ease the monitoring and management of the use of blended models and cross boundary provision. The system can be made available to all funded providers including childminders, and aims to allow all funded provision for a child to be recorded in one place.

8.2 Local authorities and providers are involved in the design of the system to ensure it meets the needs of users.

8.3 Local authority development and delivery of the SEEMiS Early Years system continues.

8.4 Local government and the Scottish Government are committed to establishing the new system given the importance of having a robust system in place to effectively manage the delivery of funded ELC and have accurate data available for the sector. COVID-19 and some supplier technical issues have had an impact on progress which has prompted a revision of the delivery date.

8.5 The system is planned to be rolled out to users in July 2021.



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