
Expenditure 2014 to 2015

Summary of annual spend with headline figures for specific areas.

Public relations (PR)

Public relations expenditure supports the Scottish Government's engagement with the public and includes:

  • staffing costs for news, marketing, digital and corporate communications teams in the Communications function
  • social marketing and associated activity (including PR, research, evaluation, branding and design), which encourages people to take steps that will improve their lives
  • the provision of information about changes that people need to be aware of to support public debate about major policy proposals
  • digital communications, including the Scottish Government's website and citizen engagement platforms
  • corporate communications which support organisational and staff development to enhance the Scottish Government's service to the public
Year Expenditure
2014 to 2015 18,845,848
2013 to 2014 17,515,123

Note: The 2014 to 2015 figure includes money spent directly by policy teams on PR and marketing activity totalling £812,710. 2014-15 expenditure also supported communications around a number of major events in 2014, including the Commonwealth Games, the public engagement around the referendum on independence, World War One commemorations and the Ryder Cup.

You can see more detailed information on marketing activity and expenditure for 2014 to 2015 on this site.

Overseas travel

The total represents expenditure incurred on overseas travel by staff and ministers on official business in the core SG, covering travel to and from the United Kingdom, the cost of hotels, travel and subsistence and any other related expenditure.

Year Expenditure
2014 to 2015 1,025,705.68
2013 to 2014 1,302,957.63

Hospitality and entertainment

The total represents expenditure on hospitality and entertainment incurred by the core SG as recorded in the accounting system in accordance with internal procedures.

Year Expenditure
2014 to 2015 806,366.88
2013 to 2014 667,601.81

External consultancy

The total represents expenditure on consultancy incurred by the core SG as recorded in the accounting system in accordance with internal procedures.

Year Expenditure
2014 to 2015 4,650,293.41
2013 to 2014 5,754,700.26

Payments with a value over £25,000: we proactively publish a monthly report of payments with a value over £25,000. The reports are published separately on this site.


Members and employees

Only one employee received remuneration in excess of £150,000 in the core Scottish Government in financial year 2014-15. (2013-14: one).

Details of the salary and pension entitlements of members of the Scottish Government's Strategic Board were published as part of the Remuneration Report in the Scottish Government's Consolidated Annual Accounts for the financial year ended 31 March 2015 on 1 October 2015.

Special advisers

The total remuneration (salary, pension contributions and employers ERNIC) paid to special advisers employed during financial year 2014-15 was £952,865 (2013-14 - £1,022,396).  

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