
Expenditure on Adult Social Care Services, Scotland, 2003-04 to 2013-14

Presents detailed analysis of expenditure on adult Social Care services in Scotland over the financial years 2003-04 to 2013-14.


1. The definition of Gross Expenditure includes inter-authority transfers, such that the Scotland level figure will overestimate actual total expenditure on service provision, due to double counting of such expenditure between local authorities. The extent of potential double counting is, however, relatively small (see Section 9.2.1).

2. The Gross Expenditure figures for 2003-04 to 2006-07 exclude Revenue Contributions to Capital, whereas those from 2007-08 onwards include such expenditure. The magnitude of the resultant discontinuity is, however, relatively small (see Section 9.3.2).

3. Breakdown figures for 2012-13 are presented as this constitutes the most recent year for which Scotland level figures that are comparable to preceding years are available. The figures for 2013-14 are not comparable to preceding years due to a change in recording arrangements under the partnership model adopted in the Highland region (see Section 9.1). Local authority level figures for 2013 -14 (with the exception of Highland) are available through Charts 4A and 4B of the data spreadsheet.

4. Such an estimate represents a lower bound to true total public sector expenditure as it excludes other funding sources which could be considered to be public sector based, such as inter-account transfers within local authorities.

5. Figures for the period 2003-04 to 2007-08 are not presented, as these are not comparable to those from 2008-09 onwards. This is due to a change in ring-fenced grant arrangements (see section 9.2.2).

6. This reduction in the level of breakdown detail, relative to that available for expenditure across all services, arises because the LFR03 only provides a service-level breakdown of income in the case of charges to service users (see section 9.2.3).

7. This metric should be comparable across the discontinuity in service-type expenditure data associated with the introduction of Support Services to the LFR03 in 2012-13 (see Section 9.3.2), provided that Support Services expenditure for the accommodation-based and community-based service-groupings is in proportion to the Gross Expenditure on the service-groupings themselves.

8. Figures for the period 2003-04 to 2005-06 are not presented, as they are not comparable to those from 2006-07 onwards. This is due to a change in the recording practice used for Care Home expenditure by some local authorities (see Section 9.3.3).

9. See Section 9.2.5 for detailed description of the Self-Directed Support service-type.

10. Includes 'Addiction - Substance misuse', ' HIV - AIDS' and ' Asylum Seekers and Refugees'.

11. The breakdown presented in Chart 6A of the data spreadsheet includes Children & Families services and, if considering expenditure across all services, that on the Service Strategy, Children's Panel and Criminal Justice Social Work.


Email: Steven Gillespie

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