
Expenditure on Adult Social Care Services, Scotland, 2003-04 to 2013-14

Presents detailed analysis of expenditure on adult Social Care services in Scotland over the financial years 2003-04 to 2013-14.

5. Detailed breakdown of Gross Expenditure by service-type, Scotland, 2013-14

Expenditure by local authorities on Social Care services may also be broken down at the more detailed level of 'service-type'. Figure 4 shows such a breakdown in the case of Gross Expenditure on adult (aged 18+) Social Care services in Scotland in 2013-14. Definitions of the named service-types are given in Section 9.2.5.

Figure 4

Figure 4 shows that Care Homes constitute the largest single service-type, accounting for 38% of Gross Expenditure (£1,110 million) and the vast majority of the accommodation-based service-grouping (the sum of the red elements of Figure 4). The next largest service-type is Home Care, which accounts for 25% (£732 million) and around half of community-based service-grouping (the sum of the blue elements of Figure 4). Self-Directed Support represents expenditure that is client, rather than local authority, directed at the level of service choice[9]. Self-Directed Support expenditure accounted for 6% of Gross Expenditure (£176 million) in 2013-14, a proportion which has increased from less than 1% in 2003-04. More than half of this increase occurred in one year (2012-13) and is associated with the roll out of personalized services to younger adults (aged 18-64) in one local authority (Glasgow City).

Detailed expenditure breakdowns by service-type for a given year may be produced at the client group and local authority level using Chart 6A of the data spreadsheet. For older people (aged 65+), the proportion of 2013-14 Gross Expenditure that is on Care Homes increases to 50%. For younger adults (aged 18-64), the proportion that is on Self-Directed Support increases to 13% and the proportion that is on Day Care increases to 12%.


Email: Steven Gillespie

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