
Expenditure on Adult Social Care Services, Scotland, 2003-04 to 2013-14

Presents detailed analysis of expenditure on adult Social Care services in Scotland over the financial years 2003-04 to 2013-14.

7. Regional comparisons of Gross Expenditure, 2013-14

Figure 5 presents local authority level figures for Gross Expenditure on adult (aged 18+) Social Care services in 2013-14, expressed per-capita of the adult population of that region. Figures range from £520 per-capita in West Lothian to £1,590 per capita in Shetland Islands, with the Scotland average being £680 per capita. These variations will reflect the combined effects of local spending priorities and the formula used to allocate General Revenue Funding, through its incorporation of regional differences in; i) relative numbers of clients, ii) average levels of client need, and iii) the costs of providing services (see Section 9.3.5).

Figure 5

Regional comparisons of expenditure on a specific service-type and client group may be produced for a given year using Chart 7A of the data spreadsheet.


Email: Steven Gillespie

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