Experience Panels - branding of Social Security Scotland: visual summary

Visual summary of findings from research into Social Security Scotland’s name and logo, and branding and wording guidance.


1 It was not possible to offer a paper or telephone version of the survey as participants were required to comment on materials displayed on a screen (such as how readable a font was).

2  Scottish Government (2017). Social Security Experience Panels: About Your Benefits and You – Quantitative Research Findings. [online] Available at: www.gov.scot/Publications/2017/11/7769 

3  Scottish Government (2018). Social Security Experience Panels: Who is in the panels and their experiences so far. [online] Available at: www.gov.scot/Publications/2018/10/3083 

4  17% of the Scottish population lives in a rural area – Scottish Government (2018). Rural Scotland Key Facts 2018 [online] Available: https://www2.gov.scot/Resource/0054/00541327.pdf

5  Scottish Government (2018). Social Security Experience Panels: Who is in the panels and their experiences so far. [online] Available at: www.gov.scot/Publications/2018/10/3083

6  ESA can refer to Employment Support Allowance, an out of work benefit currently delivered by the Department for Work and Pensions.


Email: James.Miller@gov.scot

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