
Social Security Experience Panel: Scottish Welfare Fund experiences

This report outlines the Social Security Experience Panel Members views expressed in a survey about their experiences of the Scottish Welfare Fund.


The Scottish Welfare Fund is a grant based scheme run by the 32 local authorities, using statutory national guidance. 

The Fund is designed to provide a safety net for people living on low incomes in Scotland. The fund has been running since April 2013 and has two parts: 

  • The Crisis Grant, which aims to help people who are in crisis because of a disaster or emergency (such as fire or flood, or if they have had to face an unexpected expense); and
  • The Community Care Grant which is to help vulnerable people to set up home or continue to live independently within their community, for example where there is a risk of homelessness.

Between December 2018 and January 2019, Scottish Government ran a self-selecting survey to gather experience and views of the Scottish Welfare Fund. It was sent to all members of the Social Security Experience Panels and was circulated to other potential applicants to the Fund through stakeholder organisations. This report is on the findings from this survey. Views in this report may reflect different practice by different local authorities.



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