
Parents' views and use of early learning and childcare: report 2017

Information on parents’ and carers’ current use, future potential use, views and experiences of early learning and childcare.


1. The research was open to all parents or primary carers of children under 6, but for reporting purposes we refer to participants collectively as "parents".

2. 2-year olds are also eligible if they have been looked after by a local authority, the subject of a kinship care order, or have a parent-appointed guardian.

3. The re-contacts database comprises Scottish Household Survey participants who have given permission to be contacted about other research projects.

4. A further 971 responses were received from parents/carers who do not have children aged under 6, or where responses were insufficiently complete to permit analysis.

5. Population profile draws on a range of sources to provide the most comparable benchmark. Sources: Use of ELC, Growing Up in Scotland: Birth Cohort 2; SIMD Quintile, Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation 2016; Urban/Rural classification, Scottish Government Urban Rural Classification 2016; Household income, Family Resources Survey 2013/14 to 2015/16.

6. The survey identified parents with eligible 2-year olds by asking parents directly whether their 2-year-old was eligible, and comparing this against income ( e.g. we assume that a 2-year-old is eligible where household income was below the main threshold for qualifying benefits, even if parents were unsure of their eligibility.

7. Note that the survey was open to all parents and carers of children aged under 6, irrespective of their child's eligibility or use of funded ELC.

8. Parents were asked to select as many options as they wished from a pre-coded list.

9. Parents were asked to indicate the number of hours of funded, paid and informal early learning and childcare they use, but it was not possible within a self-completion survey to assess any differences in hours used during school term time and holidays. As such, findings presented here are likely to include a combination of those reporting an average over year, and those reporting a "typical" week which may relate only to term-time.

10. Parents could select more than one type of provider they would prefer to use for the 1140 hours.

11. This finding is based on parents' self-reporting.

12. Note this is a total monthly cost for all children aged under 6.


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