
Export statistics: Scotland's Global Connections survey - guidance

Guidance notes for businesses completing the Scottish Global Connections survey due out later this year.

Guidance for Section 2: Sales and exports

For Q5: Please give the total sales of goods and services from the Scottish branch(es) of your company in 2019, to the nearest £1,000.

Sales of intangible products and services includes receipts for the right to use franchises, copyrights, licences, patents, processes, techniques, designs, manufacturing rights, trademarks etc, (unless they have already been included in the contract price of goods) and royalties on printed matter and recordings. 

Figures should be given gross of indirect taxes, duties and levies (except VAT) invoiced to customers. 

If you cannot separate the value of goods and services, please classify as either goods or services based on the majority of the value. If you have no information to provide goods and services separately, please provide a total sales figure only.

For Q5a: Are the above figures based on?

This question is only applicable if your company has branches outside Scotland. Please leave this question blank if you are unsure. 

For Q6: What percentage of your sales in 2019 (as reported in Q5) were to customers in the following locations?

Customers based in the rest of the UK are not normally resident in Scotland, including direct transactions to companies and individuals, and sales to visitors to Scotland from other parts of the UK.  

Exports to the UK continental shelf should be treated as exports to the rest of the UK as this survey relates to onshore activities.
 Customers based outside the UK are not normally resident in the UK. As far as possible please allocate sales of goods based on the delivery address, not invoice address if different.

For Q6a: If you have sales to the rest of the UK, please provide a percentage breakdown, if possible.

Provide sales to the rest of the UK as a percentage split. If you do not know exactly what proportion of your rest of the UK sales went to each part of the UK, please provide your best estimate.

For Q7: Please list the countries where most of your non-UK customers are based, and the amount or percentage of your total sales (as provided in question 5) that was accounted for by those customers (exports).

Sales to customers based outside the UK are counted as exports. Please specify the destination country. Percentage is of total sales given in Q5.

Exports of goods

Value of sales of products where the first     destination is outwith the UK regardless of where it leaves the UK.

Exports of services

Provision of services to customers not resident in the UK.

Sales to temporary visitors to Scotland, e.g. purchases made by tourists in shops, bars restaurants etc, should be included.


As staff are currently working from home, email is the best way to contact us.


Telephone: 0300 244 0330

We will reply to you as soon as possible.  If you are telephoning, please leave a message. 



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