
Export statistics: Scotland's Global Connections survey - guidance

Guidance notes for businesses completing the Scottish Global Connections survey due out later this year.

Guidance for Section 6: Your comments

For Q13: Could you please indicate how long this survey form has taken to complete? Could you indicate the cost of completing this survey form to your business, to the nearest £?

Under the principles of the National Statistics Code of Practice, we have a duty to balance the needs of the users against the burden on providers. Given the diversity of businesses, the costs of completing this survey will vary depending on whether your organisation exports or not. We ask for information about the cost and time taken to complete this survey to measure response burden and therefore fulfil this requirement. 


As staff are currently working from home, email is the best way to contact us.


Telephone: 0300 244 0330

We will reply to you as soon as possible.  If you are telephoning, please leave a message. 



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