
Extended presumption against short sentences: monitoring information - January - December 2020

Second edition of information to monitor the extension of the presumption against short sentences to 12 months or less.

Extended Presumption Against Short Sentences – Monitoring Information

January to December 2020

This bulletin is being published at this time in response to a commitment made in the previous version of the bulletin to provide regular updates. We are now in receipt of an additional 12 months of data relating to the progress of this policy. However, the impact of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic on the Justice System, makes it difficult to separate the effects of the pandemic from the effects of the extended presumption against short custodial sentences. Therefore, this bulletin documents what has happened to court disposals (with a particular focus on custodial sentences of 12 months or less) in 2020 but will not attempt to attribute those results to events or policies.



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