Extended Producer Responsibility for Packaging Fairer Scotland Duty Assessment

Fairer Scotland Duty Assessment (FSDA) for the introduction of extended producer responsibility (EPR) for packaging.

Aims and expected outcomes of the proposal

1. The Scottish Government, along with the other UK governments, is introducing extended producer responsibility (EPR) for packaging from April 2025.

2. Packaging EPR will require producers of products to pay the full net cost of managing their packaging at end of life, providing a source of funding to local authorities to provide efficient and effective household packaging collection and disposal services, and placing financial responsibility on the producer in line with the “polluter pays” principle. Payments will be made to a scheme administrator appointed by the four governments of the UK acting jointly. The scheme administrator will then distribute these monies to local authorities.

3. This source of funding is estimated at £1.2bn per annum UK-wide.[1] This will increase recycling rates, incentivise more-sustainable use of packaging and help to build a more circular economy in Scotland.


Email: producerresponsibility@gov.scot

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