Extended Producer Responsibility for Packaging Fairer Scotland Duty Assessment

Fairer Scotland Duty Assessment (FSDA) for the introduction of extended producer responsibility (EPR) for packaging.


1 EPR Consultation Government response template (publishing.service.gov.uk), page 7.

2 Packaging waste | Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA)

3 The Producer Responsibility Obligations (Packaging Waste) Regulations 2007 (legislation.gov.uk)

4 Obligated businesses are those who place more than 50 tonnes of packaging and have a turnover of more than £2 million per year.

5 Plastic bottles: Turning Back the Plastic Tide Report (parliament.uk), paragraph 38.

6 Consultation on reforming the UK packaging producer responsibility system - Defra - Citizen Space

7 Extended Producer Responsibility for Packaging - Defra - Citizen Space

8 Consultation on Reforms to the Packaging Waste Recycling Note (PRN) and Packaging Waste Export Recycling Note (PERN) System and Operator Approval - Defra - Citizen Space

9 Reforming the UK packaging producer responsibility system: Partial Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment (BRIA) (www.gov.scot)

10 Note that the £1.2bn includes c. £100m for managing packaging disposed of in street bins. Along with the other UK governments, we intend to bring forward legislation to address this element of packaging EPR at a later date, to be in force by 2026.

11 EPR Consultation Government response template (publishing.service.gov.uk), page 7.

12 Explore the National Outcomes | National Performance Framework

13 Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009 (legislation.gov.uk)

14 Climate Change (Emissions Reduction Targets) (Scotland) Act 2019 (legislation.gov.uk)

15 Securing a green recovery on a path to net zero: climate change plan 2018–2032 (www.gov.scot)

16 THE 17 GOALS | Sustainable Development (un.org)

17 Executive Summary - Making Things Last: a circular economy strategy for Scotland (www.gov.scot)

18 Scotland's Zero Waste Plan (www.gov.scot)

19 Safeguarding Scotland's resources: blueprint for a more resource-efficient and circular economy (www.gov.scot)

20 Securing a green recovery on a path to net zero: climate change plan 2018–2032 - update - Chapter 5 Waste and the Circular Economy - 3.5. Waste and the Circular Economy (www.gov.scot)

21 Scotland's Circular Economy Waste Route Map 2023 Consultation (www.gov.scot)

22 Plastic Packaging Tax: steps to take - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

23 Directive (EU) 2018/ of the European Parliament and of the Council of 30 May 2018 amending Directive 94/62/EC on packaging and packaging waste (europa.eu)

24 Circular Economy Package policy statement - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

25 New EU rules to reduce, reuse and recycle packaging | News | European Parliament (europa.eu)

26 Reforming the UK packaging producer responsibility system: Partial Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment (BRIA) (www.gov.scot)

27 'Cost pass-through' describes what happens when a business changes the price of the products or services it sells following a change in the cost of producing them.

28 Relative poverty is defined as: Individuals living in households whose equivalised income is below 60% of UK median income in the same year.

29 Poverty and Income Inequality in Scotland 2020-23 (data.gov.scot)

30 Poverty in Scotland 2023 | Joseph Rowntree Foundation (jrf.org.uk)

31 Poverty and Income Inequality in Scotland 2020-23 (data.gov.scot)

32 Family spending workbook 1: detailed expenditure and trends - Office for National Statistics (ons.gov.uk)

33 Scottish Household Survey 2022: Key Findings - 3. Finance (www.gov.scot)

34 Scottish Household Survey 2022: Key Findings - 3. Finance (www.gov.scot)

35 Poverty and Income Inequality in Scotland 2020-23 (data.gov.scot)

36 Scottish Household Survey 2022: Key Findings - 3. Finance (www.gov.scot)

37 Poverty and Income Inequality in Scotland 2020-23 (data.gov.scot)

38 Household disposable income by age group 2022 - Office for National Statistics (ons.gov.uk)

39 Poverty and Income Inequality in Scotland 2020-23 (data.gov.scot)

40 Poverty and Income Inequality in Scotland 2020-23 (data.gov.scot)

41 Poverty and Income Inequality in Scotland 2020-23 (data.gov.scot)

42 Average household disposable income and energy expenditure by ethnicity, government region and sex breakdowns, UK, financial years ending 2019, 2020, and 2021 combined - Office for National Statistics (ons.gov.uk)

43 Poverty and Income Inequality in Scotland 2020-23 (data.gov.scot)

44 Scottish Household Survey 2022: Key Findings - 3. Finance (www.gov.scot)

45 The Cost of Remoteness: Reflecting higher living costs in remote rural Scotland when measuring fuel poverty (www.gov.scot)

46 A Minimum Income Standard for Remote Rural Scotland (hie.co.uk)

47 The nature and extent of food poverty and insecurity in Scotland - Publications - Public Health Scotland

48 Poverty in Rural Scotland: A Review of Evidence (www.gov.scot)

49 Plastic free shopping: Scotland’s zero waste stores | Zero Waste Scotland

50 Plastic bottles: Turning Back the Plastic Tide Report (parliament.uk)

51 Impact Assessment (publishing.service.gov.uk), pages 99-100.


Email: producerresponsibility@gov.scot

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