Extended Producer Responsibility for Packaging Island Communities Impact Assessment

Island Communities Impact Assessment (ICIA) for the introduction of extended producer responsibility (EPR) for packaging.


74. The stated outcomes of the packaging EPR new scheme are:

  • Producers are responsible for the full net cost of managing their packaging efficiently and effectively at end-of-life;
  • Unnecessary packaging is avoided;
  • More reuseable packaging is used, replacing single-use;
  • More packaging is designed to be recyclable;
  • The recycling rate of packaging placed on the market increases to 76% by 2030;
  • The quality of packaging materials presented for recycling improves and is more widely used in higher-value secondary applications.

75. The four UK governments are agreed that these outcomes must be delivered for all four nations, including rural areas and the islands, and the scheme has been designed with this in mind.

76. Some of the key elements of the policy design are there to ensure this is realised. In particular:

1) Payment mechanisms for household waste services which take account of geography and demographics to ensure the context of services is accounted for in cost calculations;

2) An appeals process whereby service providers can demonstrate reasonable variation from the modelled costs.

77. The process of completing this Island Communities Impact Assessment has ensured specific impacts have suitable mitigations, such as the costs of services and transportation of material off-island being included in disposal cost calculations.

78. The overall impact of packaging EPR on island communities will be positive, supporting the development of a circular economy, acting to address the climate crisis, and reducing the amount of plastic pollution escaping into our natural environment.


Name: David McPhee

Position: Deputy Director, Producer Responsibility Division

Authorisation date: 30 May 2024


Email: producerresponsibility@gov.scot

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