Extended use of facemasks and face coverings guidance in hospitals, primary care and wider community healthcare settings (referred to as 'Healthcare settings'): Equality Impact Assessment

This equality impact assessment (EQIA) considers the potential effects of withdrawing the ‘Extended use of face masks and face coverings in healthcare settings’ guidance on those with protected characteristics.

Gender Reassignment

1. Background

Research by the LGBT Foundation on the impact of COVID-19 on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex (LGBTI) people in the UK found a range of impacts outlined in the section on Sexual Orientation below, also including disruption to trans and non-binary specific healthcare[53]. Key issues identified included mental health; isolation; substance misuse; eating disorders; living in unsafe environments; financial impact; homelessness; access to healthcare; and access to support.

2. Evidence / Date – Related to Healthcare Settings

Staff in healthcare settings:

According to NHS staff respondents to iMatter 2022[54], when asked, “Do you consider yourself to be trans, or have a trans history?”, 90% responded as ‘no’, less than 1% responded as ‘yes’ and 7% provided no answer.

Patients in healthcare settings:

There is currently limited to no information on Gender Reassignment patients in healthcare.

Visitors to healthcare settings:

No general population data regarding gender reassignment/ gender identity. Data may be realised in the expanded census data in 2024.

3. Impact Summary – Related to Healthcare Settings

Does the withdrawal of the extended use of facemask guidance in healthcare settings have a positive or negative impact on people as result of gender reassignment?

There is no evidence available which demonstrates that people in healthcare settings who have undergone, are undergoing, or are considering gender reassignment are adversely affected by the removal of this guidance.

It is important to emphasise that the use of face masks will still be in place in healthcare settings if they are required clinically or as a result of outbreak/ incident management.


Email: myhealthmycaremyhome@gov.scot

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