Extending marine planning zones: consultation

Consultation paper on proposals to extend marine planning zones out to 12 nautical miles

Impact Assessments

The Scottish Government is required to consider the impacts of proposed policies, plans or strategic decisions in relation to equalities, various societal groups and sectors, data protection and the environment, under a range of legislation and commitments.

The following impact assessments or relevant screening for them have been completed in relation to proposals for regulations on the procedures to extend marine planning zones out to 12 nautical miles:

  • Equalities Impact Assessment (EQIA)
  • Child Rights and Wellbeing Impact Assessment (CRWIA)
  • Fairer Scotland Duty (FSD)
  • Islands Communities Impact Assessment (ICIA) – Partial
  • Business Regulatory Impact Assessment (BRIA) – Partial
  • Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA)
  • Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA)

The partial impact assessments will be completed following analysis of the responses to this consultation.

Further details of this and the assessments themselves is set out in the paper published alongside this consultation paper.

Question 4(a):

Do you agree with our approach to the impact assessments for the proposed extension to marine planning zones?

☐ Agree ☐ Disagree

Question 4(b)

Where applicable, please give reasons for your answer.


Email: AquacultureReview@gov.scot

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