
Fishers - strategies and choices: feasibility study

This social research publication explores what influences the decision making of Scottish fishers. It presents findings from twelve interviews with fishers. The main findings are focused on the social, economic, governance, and environmental drivers in fishers’ decision making.


1 For the report analysing the responses to the HPMA consultation, please see (Accessed 05/12/2023).

2 For the Scottish Government response to the public consultation on the HPMA proposal, please see (Accessed 05/12/2023).

3 Previously known as Marine Scotland. Resources (e.g. privacy notice) that were produced before the name change may mention Marine Scotland instead of Marine Directorate in this report.

4 Scottish Government Advice and Guidance on Landing Obligation and Discarding

5 Although fishers often have a primary target species, it is not uncommon for fishers to switch gears and target different species depending on the season etc. For this reason, some of the numbers quoted in following sections may not add up to 12.

6 Numbers may add up to more than 12 because some fishers used more than one gear type.

7 ‘Spatial squeeze’ a term that tends to be used by the fishing industry. It refers to the perceived reduction or restriction of traditional fishing grounds, often influenced by increasing competition from a number of different sectors and regulations, including fisheries management measures, closed areas and infrastructure development.

8 For the report analysing the responses to the HPMA consultation, please see (Accessed 05/12/2023).

9 For the Scottish Government response to the public consultation on the HPMA proposal, please see (Accessed 05/12/2023).

10 Legislation requires that when measured with an Omega gauge, square Mesh Panels (SMPs) must measure 300mm on the inside measurement as described in EC 517/2008 (as retained in UK law).

11 Referred to as interview guide in this report.



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