
Fair funding to achieve excellence in education: consultation analysis

Analysis of the Fair Funding to Achieve Excellence and Equity in Education consultation.

Appendix 1: Organisations completing written submissions

A comprehensive list of all organisations submitting written responses is included below. These have been listed by category as defined within the methodology section 1.1.1 of this report. Please note the following points regarding respondent categorisation:

  • Respondents were initially categorised as organisations or individuals. This was done using information contained in the respondent information form, and in the body of the response itself.
  • Where there was doubt about whether a response was submitted in a personal capacity or on behalf of an organisation, respondents have been classified as individuals.
  • Organisational interests often cut across categories, and respondents have been allocated according to their main focus.
  • Multiple responses from specific departments/project teams within or operating under the umbrella of larger organisations have been accepted and treated as separate responses and allocated according to the interest of the submitting team.
  • A number of representative organisations have been allocated to the category aligned with their membership ( e.g. membership bodies representing the interests of teachers are included in the 'Headteachers/teachers' category).

Local Government respondents

1. Aberdeen City Council
2. Angus Council
3. Argyll and Bute Council
4. City of Edinburgh Council
5. City of Edinburgh Council (Additional Support for Learning and Special Schools)
6. CLD Standards Council
8. East Ayrshire Council
9. East Dunbartonshire Council
10. East Renfrewshire Council
11. Education and Children's Services Perth and Kinross Council)
12. Falkirk Council (Children's Services)
13. Fife Council
14. Glasgow City Council
15. Highland Council
16. Inverclyde Council (Education Services)
17. Midlothian Council (Survey responses)
18. Moray Council
19. North Ayrshire Council
20. North Lanarkshire Council (Youth and Community Service)
21. Orkney Islands Council
22. Shetland Islands Council
23. Shetland Islands Council (Education and Families Committee)
24. South Lanarkshire Council
25. West Lothian Council


1. Aberlady primary School Parent Council
2. Blackhall School Parent Council
3. Broughton Primary School Parent Council
4. Craigmount High School Parent Council
5. Dean Park Primary School Parent Council
6. Lenzie Meadow Primary School Parent Council
7. Oban High School Parent Council
8. St. Andrew's Academy, Paisley, Parent Council
9. The National Parent Forum of Scotland
10. The Royal High School Parent Council


2. Association of Headteachers and Deputes Scotland ( AHDS)
3. City of Edinburgh Secondary Headteacher's Forum
4. Education Institute of Scotland ( EIS)
6. School Leaders Scotland ( SLS)
8. Voice the Union

Other organisations

1. Audit Scotland
2. Bord Na Gaidhlig
4. Children in Scotland
5. Commission of School Reform
6. Cults ASG
7. Education in Museums
9. National Day Nurseries Association
10. Place2Be
11. Prospect
12. RNIB Scotland
13. Scottish Parent Teacher Council
14. Royal Caledonian Education Trust
15. Royal Society of Edinburgh
16. SEEMiS Group LLP
17. Stonewall Scotland
18. Sumdog Ltd
19. The Salveson Mindroom Centre


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